Chapter fifteen: The Final Battle

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Vikings took to their positions and got ready. The sounds of footsteps being heard for miles. Up in the air, Hiccup was issuing assignments to the other dragon riders.

"Alright, I want the furies, razorwhips, nadders, and the triple stryke to concentrate on the queen." Hiccup barked out. "Everyone else will guard the ground troops from anything that threatens them. Clear?"

"Why do we not get to attack the giant dragon?" Tuffnut asked, annoyed that he and his sister were not attacking the Red Death.

"Yeah, we want to help fight the big one." Ruffnut agreed.

"Because you too don't listen to anything we say." Astrid said glaring at them. "The reason why we chose the dragons we did for the attack against the queen is because out of all the groups, they are the ones most capable of following orders."

"Also because we don't trust you to not take the first chance you get to make a big boom which could disrupt the ground troops." Boulder continued, daring them to deny it.

"Which is another reason why I placed the close air support riders under the command of the chiefs." Hiccup added, effectively shutting up the twins' protest.

Stoick looked forward and looked at Hiccup who nodded. He then brought up a hand as a signal. As soon as he brought it down the catapults started letting their boulders loose. Crashes were seen and heard on the mountainside and a small section of the cave was opened. Stoick then signaled for a flaming ball to be fired to scare the dragons away from the island. It worked and as soon as the ball entered the cave, the dragons inside flew out in a frenzied panic.

"STAY ALERT!!" Stoick bellowed and the catapults were reloaded.

Suddenly a loud roar was heard and the viking began to move back waiting for the Red Death to emerge. The mountain started crumbling and out came a giant head followed by an enormous body.

"Catapults!" Stoick yelled and the catapults fired once more. They managed to hit the queen but none of them seemed to even scratch her. The queen then reared up and the chiefs saw the warning.

"EVACUATE THE CATAPULTS" Stoick ordered and the weapons were abandoned just in time for the Red Death to breathe a plume of fire into them destroying the weapons.

"Switch to plan B!" Stoick ordered and the vikings sprang into action. "Dragons provide cover while the strike force brings the queen into the air to engage her."

The rider immediately obeyed their orders and provided cover for the ground troops while the sound of three whistling dragons was heard heading straight for the queen.

"GET DOWN!!" several vikings yelled as three purple blasts slammed into the queen's flank.

The giant dragon then proceeded to take off from the ground and followed the riders into the dark clouds above. Once in the air the riders enacted the plan. The nadders and razorwhips were told to fire spines into every soft tissue, such as the eyes and nostrils, they could find. Cam and Scorpius were to attract the queen's attention and disorient her, allowing the other dragons to do their work. The night furies were to blow holes into the queen's wings.

After a while the queen grew increasingly frustrated and proceeded to let loose a long stream of fire that managed to catch several riders' clothes which caused a few minor burns. These riders left the fight covered by the other dragons minus the furies who continued to pummel the queen from three different directions.

"We did enough!" Boulder yelled over. "It's time!"

Hiccup and Astrid then flew in front of the queen to get her attention as they were the most visible of the three furies while Boulder and Strike flew slightly above to cover them in case the queen does something unexpected. Once in the dive the two furies in front held firm while the queen was focused solely on them and wasn't paying attention to her altitude.

Then as one, Toothless and Starlight both turned around and blasted a plasma charge into the queen's mouth as she was charging a shot and continued to dive. Once they broke through the clouds they opened their wings and pulled up from their dives. Boulder saw them pull up and instructed Strike to pull up as well. The queen also tried to pull up but was going too fast to stop. She crashes into the ground causing a massive explosion.

Luckily for the three furies, they managed to pull up in time to avoid the blast of the explosion and regrouped with the still airborne riders. They then flew back down and as soon as their feet touched the ground, cheers erupted among the vikings congratulating the air strike team for a job well done, loudest among them being the chefs of each tribe.


Cheers erupted and the vikings celebrated the death of the queen. Once the cheers died down however, it was back to work to count losses and take in the situation. The only thing that was guaranteed today, was that the dragon raids were now over and vikings and dragons could now live peacefully side by side.

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