Chapter one: Hiccup and Astrid

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It was a quiet night on Berk, many villagers were sound asleep in their homes after a long day tending to the village. Right now all they want is to sleep, however a horn sounded rousing the village from their slumber which was followed by a loud explosion and vikings pouring out of their homes with weapons in hand. A dragon raid has begun.

Among the vikings is an eighteen year old boy with auburn hair and green eyes who, after donning a red tunic with brown leather armor, rushes out of his home heading for the forge. Rushing past the larger vikings who grow wary of his presence he is then pulled aside by a large hand and lifted off his feet.

"What is he doing out?" The owner of the hand asked those around him then turned his attention to the boy in his hand, "What are you doing out again, haven't you caused enough trouble? Get inside."

The owner of the hand is Stoick "The Vast" Haddock and the boy was his son Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third. Once back on the ground he continued his way towards the forge where he then ran in to be greeted by the forge master Gobber the Belch.

"Nice of you to Join the party, thought you've been carried off." Gobber told him as he entered the forge and put on his apron. A small chuckle was heard further in the forge where an eighteen year old girl was polishing weapons.

"I don't think so Gobber, Hiccup is a much better fighter than he was years ago." The girl laughed as she walked towards them revealing her golden blonde hair and bright blue eyes.

"Thank you Astrid," Hiccup said with a laugh, then walked to Astrid and gave her a small peck on her lips.

The two young teenagers had gotten together when they were fifteen years old but have kept their relationship a secret. Only Gobber and the village elder Gothi know and are keeping the secret for them. The two teenagers have been friends since they were young children of the age of four and have stuck together since, even when others their age abandoned them at the age of ten. Hiccup and Astrid were known to the rest of the tribe as Hiccup the Useless and Hopeless Astrid. Hiccup was called useless just because he was scrawny and was not buff like most of the villagers and they scorned him for it. The only person who stood up for him was Astrid and it was that action that made her known as Hopeless Astrid for the villagers believed that by her associating with Hiccup, it made her have just as much worth as the boy himself and that anyone associating with Hiccup is not worth the village's time.

When the raid ended they started to make their way to the forest for some alone time when a group of vikings walked up to them and blocked their way. The group was lead by Snotlout Jorgenson, the boy the tribe believes should be heir, with his lackeys Tuffnut and Ruffnut Thorston, a set of twins who worship the god Loki, Dogsbreath, tall muscular but not very bright, and Fishlegs who is hanging at the back and only with the group out of fear of being treated like Hiccup and Astrid.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't Useless and Hopeless." Snotlout sneered as the rest laughed at the two, "How are you both still here huh? Oh I know, even the dragons think you two aren't worth their time." The stocky teen laughed at his own joke along with the rest of his friends. Snotlout then leaned towards the two and whispered, "Dragon Training is starting next week and I am winning it. The winner gets to kill their first dragon in front of the village and gets a wish that will be granted no matter what." At the last part he smiled lecherously at Astrid but she held herself back knowing that it would only make things worse for her and Hiccup if she lashed out and attacked him. Snot and his crew then walked away talking excitedly about the upcoming dragon training which Hiccup and Astrid frowned at.

Unlike the rest of the vikings, Hiccup and Astrid don't have the same hatred and bloodlust the rest of the tribe have for dragons. The reason, when they were both fourteen years old they were out in their private cove when a pair of nadders landed in the cove near them. Both made to reach for their weapons but halted when they saw something they never thought they would. The nadders had gone fishing but instead of hoarding the fish to themselves, one of the nadders placed a few fish near the two, lit a small fire and walked back to its partner. That was the day the two decided that dragons weren't the monsters the rest of the tribe believed they were but as intelligent, gentle creatures.

"Things are about to get worse for us m'lady" Hiccup said, wrapping an arm around her shoulders once they were out of sight.

"I know babe." Astrid agreed while looping an arm around his waist, "We need to find a way to leave before dragon training starts."

Hiccup just nodded as they continued walking towards the cove not noticing that they were being watched by two sets of eyes.

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