Chapter ten: Settling In and Starting Dragon Training

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"Wait, did you just say, Astrid Haddock?" Fishlegs asked not having expected that.

"We got married a year after we left." Astrid replied while gesturing for them to follow.

"We established Dragon's Edge a few days after leaving Berk." Hiccup began as they walked towards the line of huts. "It provides us with everything we need. Food, Water, and Protection are in abundance on the island."

"We will be taking you to your stay areas and where you can begin unpacking." Hiccup informed, before leading them to where they will stay. "Dinner will be in two hours, please proceed to the Edge Hall once done unpacking where we will hold introductions."

Once unpacked the volunteers made their way to the Hall where dinner was served. The volunteers introduced themselves as Thuggery, heir of the Meatheads, Magnus, Madgut's nephew, Ragnar from Lava-lout, Hilde from Hysterical, Ragna from Uglithug, Fishlegs from Berk, and Camicazi from the Bog-Burglars. When asked about the Berserker volunteer, they were told that they will be arriving the next day.

"Alright, time for bed, and we start your training for our missions in the morning." Hiccup said before getting up and joining his wife in their home for the night.

The next saw everyone in the Edge Hall for breakfast. To the volunteers' confusion, their hosts were running late. When they heard a dragon land outside the hall, expecting Hiccup or Astrid, they were shocked to see Heather walk in before greeting them. Once introductions were made Heather took a seat and waited while conversing with Cami.

"Morning everyone." Hiccup greeted, surprising the people in the hall who didn't hear him coming. He then proceeded to pull out some ingredients and began cooking breakfast.

It wasn't long before Astrid walked into the hall and she wasn't alone. Clinging to Astrid was a little girl with auburn hair and looked really tired. Astrid walked over to Heather and Cami and sat next to them.

"And who is this?" Cami asked, looking at the little girl.

"This is our daughter." Astrid replied, rubbing the back of the slowly waking girl. "Good morning Zephyr."

"Good morning mommy." Zephyr replied, rubbing sleep out of her eyes.

Breakfast was a quiet affair and once that was done, he requested that they leave their weapons behind and follow him to the edge of the forest. Astrid meanwhile took Heather with her to set up the arena and watch Zephyr during the training part.

"Heather has already accomplished what you are about to do." Astrid shot out before anyone could say anything.

"For you to fully accomplish our research mission. You need to have a bonded dragon of your own." Hiccup began once they reached the edge of the forest. "Head into the forest and try to bond with a dragon then proceed to the arena."

"Wait, aren't you going to teach us first?" Thuggery asked, looking nervous despite himself.

"Bonding is something that can not be taught. As it will only happen with the right dragon." hiccup informed then saying with a mischievous smile. "Besides, I believe in learning on the job." before mounting Toothless, overflying the forest to watch the progress from above. The volunteers looked at each other and proceeded slowly into the forest.

It was about two hours later when the first pair returned. Cami emerged from the forest followed by a red and orange triple stryke and was quickly sent to the arena. Fishlegs soon followed accompanied by a brown gronckle. Thuggory was next with a green and yellow monstrous nightmare. Magnus was followed by a purple and yellow nightmare. Hilde was followed by a razorwhip, then Ragnar with a blue gronckle, and finally Ragna emerged with an orange and yellow nadder.

Once all the volunteers returned to the arena, they were told to name their dragons and were given several minutes to consider it. After a while the names were chosen and they were introduced to Cami's triple stryke named Scorpius, Fishlegs named his gronckle Meatlug, Thugger named his nightmare Blaze, Magnus named his nightmare Flame, Hilde named her razorwhip Razor, Ragnar named his gronckle Earthquake, and Ragna named her nadder Flystorm.

"Alright then everyone." Hiccup called out getting everyone's attention. "We will begin your training later today, get something to eat and we will begin after lunch."

Everyone then proceeded to the hall for lunch while Toothless was joined by Starlight in watching over the new dragons in the arena. The volunteers eagerly ate lunch excited for what is to come next in their training and they couldn't wait to start contributing to the efforts being made by Hiccup and Astrid in ending the dragon raids altogether.

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