Chapter twelve: Unexpected Help and The Nest

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Snotlout moved a dagger closer to Zephyr's neck to the crowd's anger as her parents inched closer. But before Snotlout could go any further a hand suddenly grabbed his shoulder and gave him a pull hard enough to loosen his grip on the little girl, who proceeded to run into her parents' arms who held her close before looking at the Jorgensons. Snotlout was pinned to the ground by knives on his arms and Zephyr's rescuer was in the process of punching Spitelout to the ground.

"Thank you." Hiccup breathed out in relief while holding his family close to him. "If I may, who are you?"

Zephyr's rescuer proceeded to remove his helmet to reveal a black hair and brown eyes to gasps from the crowd, the loudest being the Hoffersons. The man was tall, lean, and wearing grey dragon scale armor similar in design to Hiccup's own armor. Astrid's eyes went wide as she immediately recognised Zephyr's rescuer.

"Boulder?" Astrid breathed out before rushing to him, giving him a big grateful hug.

It took Hiccup a second but he also recognised the man. Standing before them was Astrid's cousin Boulder Hofferson.

"Glad I came here when I did." Boulder breathed out letting go of his cousin then looking back at the immobile Jorgensons. "Been wanting to do that for a long time now."

When the Jorgensons came to, they were shocked to see Boulder standing there and once they saw Zephyr in her parents' arms, they knew their last ditch attempt had failed. Stoick arrived after the incident and once briefed, he promptly had Spitelout and Snotlout arrested and the power of the Jorgenson supporters had dropped down to nothing.

"We will hold their trial tomorrow." Stoick said after ensuring his brother in law and nephew were locked up he looked at his son. "Raid is due tomorrow night and with what you plan on doing, best give you the rest of the day to rest. Looks like you might need it." He then turned his attention to Boulder. "Boulder you may stay with them during your time here. As a thank you for your help."

"Thank you." Hiccup sighed before turning to Boulder. "Don't mean to sound rude but, what were you doing here?"

"I got word from one of the traders that the archipelago has accepted the aid of the Dragon Master." Boulder replied walking up to them and smiled. "Wanted to check it out myself. Didn't expect it to be you but color me impressed."

"How did you get here?" Astrid now asked, walking up to them with Zephyr still tucked in her arms.

Boulder smiled and turned to the forest letting out a roar that sounded all too familiar to Hiccup and Astrid. A few seconds later a dragon jumped out of the forest and the Haddock pair were shocked. The dragon looked exactly like a night fury but instead of having black scales and green eyes it had grey scales and purple eyes.

"This is Strike." Boulder introduced gesturing to the dragon. "He is a storm fury."

"Well looks like we have a lot of catching up to do." Astrid chuckled before they all went to the stables and the villagers returned to their usual duties.

The trial was held the next day and the Jorgensons were sentenced to five years in exile from Berk to the Bog Burglars and will spend another five years in prison upon their return to Berk. The village went on business as usual until the predicted raid that night. The dragon riders even flew in to help much to the appreciation of the villagers below and once that was done, Hiccup, Boulder, and Cami immediately followed the returning raid to shouts of encouragement from the villagers while Astrid stayed behind to watch over Zephyr.

They had been flying for nearly two hours now and were now approaching the fog bank that led to Helheim's gate. Right now they were a few miles behind the dragons when Hiccup briefed them on what he experienced so far.

"I've tried following them before but I always lose sight of them." Hiccup yelled over the wind. "We need to come up with a better plan."

"Have you actually tried flying within the raid party itself?" Cami shouted over.

"She's right." Boulder agreed. "If following doesn't work because you lose sight of them. What about flying within the formation where you physically couldn't lose sight of them."

"Looks like we have a plan." Hiccup then gestured for Toothless to speed up. "Let's go!"

They managed to reach the formation before entering the fog bank and began to move in sync with the dragons around them. Weaving through the sea stacks was easy enough for the three strike class dragons and now they knew where the dragons were going. After a few minutes they came to the base of an active volcano and flew through one of the cave entrances.

Hiccup looked back at Boulder and Cami who both nodded their heads in agreement. "We're here." He breathed out as they entered the volcano.

The three followed the other dragons in not knowing what to expect for they had just found the dragon's nest.

AN: the OC introduced in this chapter was added just because I wanted to.  This story would've still worked without him but my story and I choose which OCs to add.

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