‧ Chapter 13

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I had never been at Canada but ever since I was 13 years old it had been my dream place to be at. But then not getting into a college that my parents wanted me to get into, I'd lost all hopes of being in Canada. And after coming to Coimbatore, being around Bhavish and meeting Aastha and Ashwin had just made my life so much better. I didn't want to leave these three people at all.

And plus Ashwin being at Chennai and me being at Coimbatore itself for quite hard for us to manage our relationship since we meet very rarely, even though the places weren't that far away. There was no way in the universe that the distance between Canada and Chennai could ever work out.

"Heyyy.", I hear Ashwin's voice and he comes near with a huge grin and my heart sinks at the sight of it.

How could I even do this? This guy had been a major rock in my life and had made me so happy that I couldn't even imagine how my life would be without him in it. I had zero clue that we'd have something this huge when I met him four years ago. Four years of our friendship which included three and a half years of us being together had been so huge and important to me and I really didn't want to let go of this.

But then I didn't want to go back to Bangalore either. Being away for long durations in four years had made me much more happier, stable and stronger, and I knew that if I went back to live there all of it would be ruined.

"Congratulations.", he tells me with a side hug and I tell him a 'thank you' with a small smile.

"Appa, this is Ashwin.", I introduce him to my dad.

"Nice to finally meet you.", my dad tells Ashwin with a smile as he shakes his hand, "I've heard a lot of you from Smriti, she's also showed me your work too. You are a really talented guy."

"Thank you uncle.", Ashwin tells him as a small blush forms on his cheeks. Ashwin's modesty was at it's peak whenever he recieved compliment, and he'd also been keen on impressing my dad so both of that happening at the same time evoked the cutest reaction out of him.

A small frown formed on my face as the thought of my dad not being like with me anymore had hit me. He was always my top motivator until I'd finished grade twelve. There were so many times the pressure of these entrance exam preparation had crumbled me but he always calmed me down by telling me to go along with the process.

I went along and this is where I am, done with studying what I didn't want to study at all in one of the top colleges of the city but having my dad disappointed.

My parents and teachers had always expected a lot from me. And to be honest I did feel like I was at a good place in life educationally but was my dad's expectations that high enough to crumble all the love he had for me?

"Tell your friend to do her MBA in Bangalore or Canada no? She never listens to me but I have a feeling she'd say yes if you do.", my dad tells him and Ashwin looks at me in confusion.

"Uh, yeah sure.", he covers up the expression on confusing with a smile using his acting skill set.

"Oh, I see Bhavish there.", my dad tells, "I'll meet him and be back."

"What was that about?", Ashwin raises his eyebrow at me in confusion.

"My dad wants me to do my MBA in Bangalore or Canada.", I sigh, "but I want to do it Chennai and he doesn't want me to study it anywhere except for Bangalore or Canada."

"Yeah according to him I have to get into a really really good college or else I'll end up being a total failure from a hopeless case on his list."

"You know your dad doesn't hate you that much right?", Ashwin asks me.

"I know but it's just- I wish he wasn't this harsh on me. I know I didn't get into a college that he wanted to but trust me I tried really hard.", I tell him, "It's not like I wanted to fail him or anybody around me. I really wish I never did it."

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