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Chapter Six: "I Just Hope She Don't Wanna Leave Me."

"Hey Kyoka, are you and Denki still together?" Uraraka asks as she chews on a piece of bubblegum.

"Yes, Why'd you ask?" Kyoka responds.

"I just haven't seen you two together in a while."

"Well he's been pretty busy ever since he got that new job at the modeling agency." Kyoka says, shrugging her shoulders.

"Busy...at her house." Mina scoffs.


"I saw him walking into her ugly ass apartment for like five days straight." Mina rolls her eyes before throwing her gum wrapper into the trashcan.

"And you never told me anything?"

"Because I thought Denki would be mature enough to tell you his whereabouts, but apparently he isn't." Mina says.

Her tone was very harsh sounding, she sounded like she was triggered by this.

Kyoka was speechless, she had no idea what to do with this information.

"Kyoka i can tell you're overthinking again, now isnt the right timefor that, we have a show in five hours and the last thing we need is for you to be out of it while we perform."

"I'm fine Mina." Kyoka lies.

Mina rolls her eyes before sighing, "Let's go pick Tanya and Alaiah up, we'll head to my place before we go down to the Concert."

Kyoka nods in response then the two wave Uraraka goodbye and leave the building.

Denki's POV.


It was the day of my third shoot at the agency. I had just arrived and i was standing inside of the dressing room waiting for my next directions.

The manager came into the room with a huge smile on his face.

"Denki Kaminari! I must say that I am extremely pleased with your work from yesterday, you're a natural."

I returned a smile then thanked him for the compliment.

"You also did really well today, keep this up and you'll be walking the runway in no time."

"Thank you." I say before grabbing my phone off of the table and slipping it into my pocket.

"Okay well that's it for today. See you guys tomorrow and remeber to be on time." The manger says before waving goodbye and walking out of the room.

I decide to text Lisa to let her know that I'd be waiting for her outside.

I open my phone to a notification that reads

"Hey can we FaceTime tonight?"

It was a text from Kyoka and It made my heart flutter. I was always so happy whenever she texted me.

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