Chapter 7

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Play Gravity by Sara Bareilles and I encourage the Alex and Sierra cover of it.

I never want anything too much but just to drown in his presence. I don't know how many days I have been so sullen. Maybe a week, a month or a year. I don't even know if it's still August or if it's September already. 2015 or 2016. I don't know maybe I've already fallen into the gravity of grief. I'm griefing for the death of hope that he and I will still be together. They say, hope is a waking dream but they didn't inform me that hope when killed is a nightmare. Maybe us isn't even for each other at all. The contact of the Steel Arrow into my body is an accident and also his was an accident. Hmmm....

I think they must add in the study of Cupid and make it in bold letters that Cupid is stupid.

Right that's right. I think and I believe that Cupid is stupid. Someone who just uses his power irresponsibly. A power who he takes for granted.

"Hey, what's wrong with you?" Sal asked. I stared at her and took a bite from my apple. "Last week, you ditch me in the fast then when I called you, you were like that. Clint also called me that you didn't attend the date. I was so shocked so I went to your house but your mom told me that you want no visitors. She said you were so sullen and down. It's Thursday now and you're still like that. Is it because of .... me?" I stared at her and shaked my head no. I'm too tired and lazy to talk or even move my chapped lips.

"Is it because of Clint?" I shook again no. I stood up, carrying my tray then placed it at the assigned place.

"Why didn't you attend your date that Saturday evening with him?" Nosy as always. Clint texts me about it but I don't reply. I don't want to. He never smiled at me anymore when we see each other at the halls. He never talked to me and he just divert his attention to his friends. He doesn't text and call me ever since Monday. All I've got of him is my dog. My cute dog and he's already okay. To think about it, I haven't thought a name for him.

"Halo. That's it. My dog is Halo." I mumbled. I smiled to myself while thinking about that fluffy black spotted dog of mine.

"You're weird." Sal blurted out and she left me there and started walking away from me.

"Sal, wait." She looked back and smirked at me. The bell went off and people from the cafeteria scattered out, filling the corridors with students.

Ouch! Someone bumped me in my elbows and he has no manners that he didn't even gave a sorrry. I push my way through until I saw Cupid and we're kind of stuck there for a moment due to everyone pushing ariund each other. He held my hands and pushed his way through with me forcibly following him through. I complied though without saying anything. I don't know why but that's it cause even if I say no, I can't do anything about it. I don't have a choice with this guy.

Someone grasped my wrist. Stopping me from my tracks and making me let go of Cupid's hand. I looked at the guy and it was Clint, flashing his smile at me then morphing into a scowl when he faced Cupid.

"Let go, Cupid." Clint growled.

"The girl doesn't even want you. Let go, she complied." Clint stared at me with wide eyes and Cupid himself stared at me with an impassive face. I'm pressured. I don't want this attention on me. I saw others stop at their tracks and stare then go maybe scared that they'll be late. Talking about late, oh. I don't have a subject now, it's my free period. Talk about a lucky me.

"Honey, your zoning out." Cupid said. Whoa!! Honey? What the heck after all he said to me.

"Thanks for stating the obvious. Come on, Athena." Clint retorted.

I've made up my mind. I hope Clint won't be mad at me with this.

"Sorry Clint, but Cupid got me first and I complied. Sorry. I'll pay you back, don't worry." I smiled at him. But he just stared at me, sad.


After that we went out of school. I was more than happy that he brought me out of that hell-hold where most shit went down. We just walk to I don't know where. After all I trust him.

"Do you still remember what I said about breakin the threads of the fates. Right?" I cracked my mind with it. I smiled at the memory.

"We need to do it." I stared at him, confused.

"We need to travel and find the potion but their would be a lot of challenges." He continued.

I was nervous though. The sound of lot and challenges dripping from his mouth is scaring me. I don't want what happened to Psyche to happen to me though. But then if this is what Cupid wants then I'll be okay with it.

"How about our family, school, friends, personal life, etc?" I questioned. If we are going to travel then how will my personal life be. I don't want to leave them behind.

"Honey, we're only going after school, weekends and holidays." Honey!! That made my feet wobble though. Get a grip of yourself, Athena. I looked down and we are already near the beach and sundown would be happening soon.

"Come." Cupid happily said and without effort he pushed me into the beach. We just sat down there and waited for sundown to happen before our eyes.

He inched nearer into me and now we're body to body, skin to skin. The warmth he radiates, made me feel safe in his hands. He placed his hand around my shoulder casually while we watch the sun goes down and blackness took over. We saw the ocean glisten a tint of orange. Birds were chirping happily and the sounds of the ocean waves are music to my ears. I hope this wouldn't stop. I hope time could stop ticking and just let us stay here forever.

"You know that if we succeed, our feelings for each other would end." He said abruptly. That statement got me thinking and I contemplated if I should really go and end this once for all.


Okay here's the chapter. What do you think? I know I'm bad at describing te sundown. Hehehe. Next chapter, new characters. Vote and Comment or fan if you would like.

Signing out,

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