Chapter 2

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"I'm Cupid."

"Roman. Cupid. The God Of Erotic Love." Jimmy smirked then he shook hands with Cupid.

"Um.. actually not. He is a freak slash burglar slash he broke in slash into my room slash when my parents slash are out." I said, giving my friends (Cupid not included) the necessary information to the freak that could kill us now but probably he wouldn't. Yes, he is a freak but he don't seem, well to me but I don't know about them, stupid.

"Um.." Sal spoke. Uh-oh. I think she was scrutinizing Cupid all along.

"Can I please steal my gf for a second?" She glanced at Jimmy. Jimmy nodded wholeheartedly and then as keen Jimmy is, he grasped Cupid out of the cafeteria.

I really thought she's gonna steal me. You know the get the wrist and run off kind of thing but what happened just right now was the other way around. Jimmy walked off with Cupid and that's what you call stealing but what Sal did was "We want privacy." or maybe "Can you leave us alone?" or rather "Please get out we want some privacy to talk about somethings?", not stealing.

"You know" I looked at her, "I have some bad feelings about that guy. His aura, the way he speaks, his actions, his body language, the expression and everything. It just radiates trouble. He is trouble."

"I know right."

I already know that Sal. He is really is trouble. If you just know him, the real him. He is Cupid and just that alone is already trouble. He is also a burglar and a pervert.

"Won't you defend your boyfriend or something?" Sal said what I expected.

"Really. Really." I gave her a blank stare then continue, "He just barged into my house and told me that he sealed our fates. You know he can evaporate into thin air and teleport. He told me he is Cupid. Stupid right. Cupid is a baby with a diapers and he - " I ranted what was bothering me last night until I was interrupted by Sal.

"I want you away from him. I'm your bestfriend and believe me, meeting him is already a mistake and if you still will know him, to make any bond, interaction, and communication. You're gonna add again a mistake and sooner or later, you're just gonna kmow you failed, you got an F. So trust me even if I sound like a judgemental bitch and later on, you're gonna thank me."

My blood boils in seething anger. Who the fuck she is to judge him? Even if she is my bestfriend. Even if he called me a Stripper. He doesn't know him and no one can judge anyone even if ou already know who you are judging. And se can't order me around. She's not the statue that I highly praise. She's just my bestfriend and there's a limit to it and obviously, she passed the line.

"You know what sounds like you? My mom. The guys good. You're just paranoid. Just get over it, Sal. Know him first then try saying this to me again." I scoffed. I scowled at her and turned my back. I took a step but before I can move on further she grabbed my wrist and said to me:

"Someday you're gonna regret, not trusting me but you still can prevent this regret from happening if you trust me. So trust me." And then she let me go. I walked off.

Someday you're gonna regret, not trusting me but you still can prevent this regret from happening if you trust me. So trust me.

That line kept on ringing and ringing on my head while walking down the hallways. Sal is so judgemental. She was like he met him for like 10 minutes only then she's gonna judge him like that. Well! I think for myself judge him when he already does something wrong. No! It isn't even right, don't judge him or anybody by that.

I turned right. And I thought about what she said.

"Meeting him is already a mistake."

"You still can prevent this regret from happening if you trust me. So trust me."

What if she's right and I'm wrong. What if he is really a mistake? What if I get burn when I play with fire?

This question pops in my mind, confusing me. I was so confused that I brushed my hair and cried. Tears cascaded down my face while I walk, it's as if I am a freaking dramatic actress in a movie. I went out of school. Highschool. A society where drama is inevitable. I think its a place that can't survive without a drama happening.

I ran to my car. I just sat their. When the bell rang, signalling for the end of lunch and the start of History. I wiped my tears and drove my car to life. I do it when I want to cut class in that way it makes me feel like a badass. Starting of class and you went away, it's just bad. I went to the nearest mall and roam around and got a proper lunch on the foodcourt. When I was their I saw a familiar tint of blonde in the crowd. I just didn't push on that more, thinking it's just someone from school which I'm really not familiar with. I looked at the time and still it is 1:45 so I roam around more. When I was roaming around the department store to get a snack, Clint approached me. I was shocked that he approach me but I was not shocked that he was there.

"Hey, Athena!" I turned around and their I saw him running towards me with a basket on his hand which holds junkfoods.

I smiled and waved at him when he was near I said hi to him.

"Hey. Did they tell you? Sal and Jaq, Jake or was it Jim?"

I chuckled. "Jimmy."

"Yeah him Jimmy." He rub the back of his neck and he gave me a tight-lip smile.

"So Saturday?" Oh my God!! He really is asking me. I'm gonna tell this to Sal. Oh wait! We're fighting so to Jimmy.

"S-sure." I felt my cheeks redden. "Um.. so Saturday. bye!" I walked off quickly for him not to see the crimson of a blush in my cheeks.

I scurried out of his sight and went to the girls section, faraway from where we talked.

"Oh my God!!" I punched the tampon. "He just asked me!!" I said to the tampon. "Fucking Clint just asked me OUT on a-" I throwed the tampon high up in the air.

"Hey. I forgot to ask your..." I whipped around. I stared at the speaker who cut me off and there Clint was standing in all he's glory. I blushed in embarassment. "number." He continued then the tampon I throwed up fell down beside me. This is one of the reason why I hate gravity. I visualized facepalming myself in my mind. He laughed so loud. I gave him a sheepish grin.

"You shut up!!" I said. Embarassment really never leaves me but I'm not angry with fates as they let me hear an angel's chortle.

"Here's my calling card." He stretched his hand, his laugh muffled which I am very thankful for. I neared him and grasped the calling card but when I am grasping it, he pulled me towards him through wrist. I squeaked. A thud sounded indicating I am against him. I inhaled his vanilla smell and the warmth he radiates.

"I'm happy knowing that I have this effect on you." He whispered this words in my ear making my heart do a somersault.

He walked off. I bit my lip and looked down, thanking God I'm still standing in a ground because I thought gravity wasn't affecting me anymore.


Hahaha. I like the tampon. Now vote. comment. fan. The lovely Cupid to the side.

I hope you like this. Happy Valentine's even if it's Sunday here.


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