Chapter 5

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"Justice should be made and be given." I mumbled to myself as I eat. Mom is chirpily talking to both of the boys about school and family etc. And the girl who brought a boy and had a visitor came out as a third-wheel in dinner. It was just a normal dinner, we had chicken casserole and a few vegetables there.

"I'm done, gonna go to my room." I said and stood up but only Clint noticed me and he smiled. I smiled back, a genuine one. Mom and Cupid are happily chatting about something I dont care about.

"Have a good night sleep." Clint mumbled to me before Mom asked her something.

I don't know why but there is a pang of hurt inside me.

I made my way to the bathroom and indulged into the freshness of the shower.

I don't know why but there is something missing today. The norms are not here and I miss it. I think I can't go on without them. Them as Sal and Jimmy. I miss them even if it's just hours that were not talking and I don't know, I just fucking miss them. I need to call them.

With knowing strides I went out, finishing my bath.

"Aaaah!!" I shouted and something covered my mouth.

"Shut up. This is just me, Clint." He told me.

I inhaled and exhaled.

"You fucking shocked me." I hit him softly.

He stared at my whole body from up and down. And smirked and looked at my face then smiled.

"You pervert!!" I hit him again but I'm grinning.

He just smiled at me. "I'm going home."

"Don't care."

I grinned. And I gave him my back.

"Bye." He patted my hair. " I know you do." Then I heard the door closed. I wore my clothes on and outside I go. Everything's black and no one's wandering outside.

"It's fucking too early too sleep. My instincts tell me not to sleep and walk outside." I mumbled to myself but then hesitation called me over after all the events flashed back into my mind like the dog incident and talking about the dog he's in the basket prepared by mom. He's still severely injured though. I'll just call Sal.


"Class, pass your assignments now." Everyone groaned maybe be because they are aggravated by Mr. Greene's prodigious memory or maybe just because they think that an hour of boringness is coming. Which I think is very reasonable.

I delved for my poem and confidently passed it. Few papers were passed but then Mr. Greene wasn't shock cause he knew that not a lot would pass given the circumstances.

"Sharpe, come in front." And then nervousness hit me like a truck. I don't want to read my poem in front of the whole class especially with Clint, Cupid and Sal in it.

"I want you to read your poem." He said. He stretched his arm with the poem in his hand. My poem's not really a beauty, it's the fruit of a hurried and for the sake of passing attitude and I'm really not proud of that.

"Mr. Greene. This is not a beauty." I whispered. He stared right through me. This is the guy who rarely wears red, wrinkles are in his forehead, glasses that is glistening and has an impeccable hairstyle but then his stares are creepy.

"If that's what you think, you can sit down and get an F for the first assignment." So stern over there. I started reading cause I'm scared.

" It is when a dark night and a stormy sky...." I sighed and coughed. I looked at Clint. He's staring at me. At Cupid. He's gazing out the window. At Sal. She's looking down, writing down something.

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