Part 1

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Guess who's back

It was a usual day in the Kim Dokja company. Everyone scolding Dokja yet again for sacrificing himself like the suicidal squid he is.
Yoo Joonghyuk was silently seething in a corner, sending him messages in the Midday Tryst.

The constellations, some watching, while others relieved he is alive. Though some wished he would just go and die already instead of constantly reviving, what is he? Korean Ash Ketchum?

But all things aside, everything was going fine. Until Jang Hayoung came rushing into the room, telling everyone something was wrong.

The Kimco looked around and noticeably, all the kids had disappeared. Kim Dokja got frantic and started searching for them and before he knew it, he too, disappeared off to nowhere.

Now everyone was worried, what kind of scenario is this?

"Well atleast the kids will be fine since Kim Dokja is around right?" Han Sooyoung said to relieve the tension in the room, until Jung Heewon spoke out with another thought "But what if they've all been seperated to different places?"

"...shit-" And then a strong force came and all of them had disappeared, a few constellations too, getting warped into a place.

"How-?? Why are we here?" Han Sooyoung questioned out loud to get a response from Lee Jihye who was sitting on a recliner couch and eating popcorn, "Don't worry Sooyoung unni this place's cool."

"How do you know that's not poisoned or anything..." Jung Heewon mumbled to herself, leading to Jihye drop a popcorn on her lap with a stunned face, "I didn't really think of that... But these taste pretty good for poisoned food-"

"Hi." A voice said, obviously grinning way too much.

"Who are you?" asked Lee Hyunsung.

"Oh right allow me to introduce myself ohshi- wrong form" They spoke out loud, except the last bits were reduced to mumbling and a thud sound from what seemed like a person falling down.

"What was that?" Jung heewon asked in confusion.

"Right yes I'm." They paused for a second, as though contemplating something.

"I'm the one who brought you here." They said and there was am air of awkward silence right after. "But why?" Yoo Sangah asked, getting rid of the silence.

"This is no time to be chatting. Let's kill this person." Yoo Joonghyuk says unsheathing his sword impatiently.

He was the last one to arrive and he noted his companions are way to trusting around random people, have they not understand that being this trusting is bad?

Suddenly the sword and every single persons weapons disappeared to the Kimco and constellation's confusion.


'This wasn't a part of the novel.. what the hell kind of scenario is this?' Kim Dokja thought to himself.

[The constellation Abyssal Black Flame Dragon finds this situation both confusing and amusing.]

[The constellation Demon-like Judge of Fire demands to know why she is here]

[The constellation Great Sage Equal to Heaven nods at his fellow constellations words]

"Right you're here to react to yourself!" The voice said to make them understand their situation. "Is this a scenario or?" Jung Heewon asked to which the latter laughed, "No no just a break from all the scenarios and reacting to things like fan arts."

"I'm sorry fan arts?" Kim dokja asked, momentarily pausing and his eyes sparkling at the thought of WOS fan art. The fight scenes.. Yoo Joonghyuk... holy shit.

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