Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

                   Elise sat back and rubbed her eyes, she had worked on that last chapter for hours without any breaks, the writing had been right when it said she couldn’t stop, the words would hardly give her a break; she had barely finished the previous sentence before the next idea was pressing at her, forcing her to write faster.

Getting up from her desk, she walked out of her room and went down into the kitchen to grab a glass of water and possibly something to snack on.

                   Ten minutes later Elise had a large glass of water and a large container of cashews up in her room with her as she plopped down on her soft bed to relax.  Grabbing the iPod next to her, she put it on her alarm clock with the iPod dock and turned it to play the album from her newest favorite band Imagine Dragons.  She took a fistful of the cashews and dropped some into her mouth, chewing slowly with a satisfied sigh.

Her house was quiet besides the blasting of her music, and it usually was.  She was an only child and both of her parents were at work.  Her father had been on an overseas trip for his company for about three weeks now and she missed him a lot.

The sudden sound of bells shook her out of her reveries, looking down at her bulky phone Elise saw the caller ID announcing that Monica was calling her.

“Hey Monnie.”

“Elise!” She squealed happily, she couldn’t help but laugh at her friend’s sudden excitement

“What’s up?”

“You doing anything at the moment?”

“Not really, just munchin on some cashews, why?”

“Mind if I come over? I’m bored out of my mind!”

“Sure I don’t mind, I’m all alone here.”

“Great! That means we can do whatever we want and get away with it!!” She squealed with delight, adding an evil laugh at the end for effect.  Elise rolled her eyes at her friend but smiled.

“See ya in a few minutes!” She shouted before hanging up.  Elise hit end as well and looked around her room.  It was relatively clean, her mother would probably tell her to clean it up for guests if she saw it, but she wasn’t here.  Besides, Monica didn’t care what shape her room was in, they’d been best friends since the third grade, there wasn’t much that they didn’t know about each other and a messy room was easily ignored.

Satisfied that she didn’t have anything to do before Monica came over, Elise went over to her laptop with a mind to shut it off for a while.  When she went to click the save button one more time to be safe, she saw a line typed in  a different font a few spaces down from where she had ended the last chapter.

Is that it? Well I guess that’s good for a while … see ya later Lise.

After staring in surprise for a moment at the words, she just shook her head at the craziness.  She bent down and typed in a response

Bye Leala, behave while I’m gone

Another line popped up almost as soon as she was done with her line.

We’ll see; no promises.

Elise stared open mouthed at the screen, her guess had actually been right, it really was Myleala!  What the heck was going on?  She was about to erase the words as she usually did when she stopped, she could show Monica, and then maybe continue talking to Myleala again while she was there so she could see this craziness, it might prove once and for all if she was going insane or not.  Clicking the save button again, she shut the laptop but didn’t turn it off.  Going back over to her bed, she flopped down and waited for her friend to arrive, the next chapter or conversation with Myleala already forming in her mind.

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