Chapter 3

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Alright... well here's the next chapter, please tell me what you think! I always love, love, LOVE seeing comments, especially if they are about something I can improve on.  Thanks and enjoy!!... also not sure about how the format of this is going to turn out... hope it works (technology and I have a love/ hate relationship)

Chapter 3 

             A thick layer of fog hung over the forest floor, adding an eerie feeling to the surrounding area.  Two figures sat huddled together under the cover of a large grouping of shrubs that concealed them from any prying eyes that could be about.

“We should destroy the thing right now and get back to the counsel before they Seal us out.”

“How long did they say they were going to hide away in their warm little caverns this time?” Myleala asked bitterly.

“They’re not hiding away Leala, they’re

“They’re what Vin?” She cut him off abrupt enough to make him blink in surprise, “preserving the State? Please, they’re just a bunch of cowards who don’t want to stand up and do what they are supposed to do.”

“Leala,” Vinur warned her glancing around nervously as if they were being watched.

“No, I’m not going to watch my mouth, they know what I think of them and I don’t care.  They’re supposed to be the leaders of a people that fight back against the demons that are on earth, not one of the countless other civilizations that cower at their presence and run away from them like dogs with their tails tucked between their legs.”

“You know they always try their best, this time is just different, and they’re still sending warriors out to stop them.”

“They may be sending others out but they are not trying their best,” she replied with a snarl. “And I don’t see how this is such a different time than any of the other times, besides how could they have known? We just saw the worst of it a few minutes ago, how could they possibly know the extremity of it enough to call for Hibernation?”

“Maybe they got insider information somehow, look I don’t know but we have to get back to the town now.”

“Fine I’ll go.”

“You will?” Vinur asked happily surprised.

“Yes but only so I can understand what’s going on here, let’s go.” 

“Wait, what about the orb?” Vinur asked grabbing her wrist to restrain her from standing up.

“I’m not sure if I can just yet, I don’t know what it’s going to take or what will happen if we do manage to break it, it could contain something in here that we’re not ready to destroy at the moment.”

“Well we can’t just keep it intact or bring it with us, we have to do something.”

“And why can’t we take it with us? If we just keep it hidden away and don’t touch it nothing will happen, nothing can escape or happen because of it as long as no one does anything to it.”

“But we don’t know how long we’re going to be in there, I don’t think it’s wise to risk keeping a magical Dark item in with us when the Seal is complete.”

“Who said I was going to be Sealed in with everyone?  Look, we’re going back now only so I can figure out their angle, I have no intentions of being locked up like a scared child.”

Vinur just shook his head at her and looked up at the trees overhead again, nervous.

“Come on,” Myleala pulled her friend up and together they sprinted through the forest, bounding over large felled branches and around the enormous trees, racing towards the mountain side in the near distance.

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