Has anyone ever told twice how annoying his clones are?

Then suddenly the building behind her collapsed and (Y/n) sighed, she was well and truly trapped, what a pain, that's a lot of sleep she's missing out on.

Shifting her stance, her eyes stared into the abyss before frowning.

Why wasn't he moving?


(Y/n)'s widened and she gritted her teeth, no, it wasn't because he's not moving, it was because if she moves to kill him then he would instantly respond by doing his attacks as he would in the real world.

(Y/n) dealt with illusions long enough to know what's going on.

She only heard Mandalei's voice because it's what she expected.

She only dodged out of the way of the flames because it's what she expected.

She couldn't any screams of panic and the call of Aizawa because she believed that the pro heroes would take the students away, that they would leave her because they know she's capable.

But (Y/n) isn't.

Aizawa wouldn't even leave her by herself if there's danger in the first place.

He doesn't even know what she could do.

(Y/n) let out a bitter laugh.


All for One smiled as Dabi reported back that the girl was captured, stuck in the illusion quirk AFO gave him.

He signalled the doctor to give signal to the other villains, telling them that yes, they will begin the attack now that the most dangerous threat is over.

'Now then All Might,' All for One thought as the others responded back, he raised an arm towards the chess board and knocked over the knight.

'What will you do?'


(Y/n) continued her breathing pace as she came back into the real world, listening to the footsteps around her and realised that she was tied up with bloody ropes.

Snorting innerly, 'Talk about being kinky' she thought jokingly before being dropped onto the ground.

Her head throbbed and she tried to get rid of the after pains of breaking out of the illusion, seriously, burning yourself to death to get out of the illusion sucks.

"Now then, 5 more minutes till it's show time?"


"Yeah, be patient."

And then there's the all time asshole Dabi.

"Think she's ever going to get out of her illusion?"

"Why? Want me to put another layer?"

"I mean, she is a demon slayer-"

(Y/n)'s ears started ringing but her mind continued to listen.

A Pillar's quirk [KNY x BNHA]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora