Part 32:rimuru's find and disappointment

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As rimuru makes his way to the door hopping over whatever lays in his way until he makes it he grabs the handle and pushes the door open as the door makes a creaking sound and the dark room that is now visible once the door is opened completely torched light up from within the room revealing what seems to be a bed room

Rimuru:... That's it.... A bed a desk and a self....

Rimuru walks in somewhat disappointed that this is all there is to this room he knows that the chamber of secrets belonged to Salazar Slytherin somebody one of the founders of this school... So rimuru was kinda expecting his secret chamber to have a bit more rimuru let's out a sigh of disappointment until he notices something

Rimuru:a handle

Rimuru makes his way over to the bed looking underneath it he sees a old rug and a handle to a trap door underneath sticking slightly out from underneath the bed

Rimuru:maybe I'll get some secrets In... Huh....

Rimuru takes a minute to completely push the bed our of the way once it is out of the way rimuru moved the carpet and lifts the trap door opening said trap door revealing a ladder that obviously leads down not wanting to deal with the ladder rimuru just jumps down as his feet touch the ground torches light up revealing a study with a few books on a desk in the center of the room bookshelves linking the walls and a few other areas rimuru walks up to the desk and has a look at the books on said desk

Rimuru:books about immortality?

Rimuru opens said book and begins flipping through it be coming more disgusted by some of the methods to become immortal or as close to in this world

Rimuru:oh my god why do they know this.... Who tried this.... Why didn't anyone stop them

Rimuru continues to read becoming confused at some of the more strange ways to have a longer life

Rimuru:... Unicorn blood. .... Huh....

Rimuru stops to wonder if any of the vampires he's met had drank it then again it's probably best not to ask rimuru is about to close the book and set it down until a page falls out of the book rimuru tries to grab it several times before he manages it setting the book down and looking at the page that came out

Rimuru:... Legends huh

Rimuru:it's not from this book it's a ripped page from another book

Ciel:demon Lords


Ciel:the page mentions demon Lords

Rimuru gains a look of shock and quickly reads the page and Ciel is proven correct the page does make mention of demon Lord and their power as well as long lives that said there's no mention of any demon Lord and the way to become one doesn't appear to be mentioned either

Rimuru:how do they know about demon Lords or maybe these aren't demon Lords at all and are just people with more power and have found ways to extend their lives and just took on the name demon Lords

Ciel:it is a possibility it is also possible that a being from our world came to this one and took on the title of demon lord but was killed once the true demon Lords found out

Rimuru:in other words there's no real proof that a real demon Lord actually came here we could ask Guy .... But he didn't seem to really know much about this word.... Strange and why would someone want to become immortal so badly

Rimuru walks around seeing that most of these books are on the quote dark arts


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