part 9:leaving Diagon Alley

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Rimuru asks to look around for a but longer and luckily somehow gets his way and even gets to move around alone as rimuru looks around and sees a broom stick on display

Rimuru:your kidding... They actually ride brooms

Seeing another store full of books rimuru goes to look at the broom sticks before he over hears a conversation

Man:get out of our society your filthy and a insult to our world just like your mud blood mother

Crying of a child fills the ally rimuru overheard the conversation as rimuru goes to look a kid runs into him without even thinking the child latches onto rimuru to cry her eyes out as rimuru looks at the grown men that made the child cry

Man:what.... A girl

Man2:look at her hair waits..... That's potter

Man:what.. Yes I see I remember reading about him returning from some other world in the paper

Man2:...what do you want po

With a simple glare the two grown men turn and run from rimuru begging for forgiveness but rimuru doesn't care about that instead he gets on one knew and pats the girls head allowing her to cry before he asks where the girls parents are getting the answer that the girl got lost rimuru agrees to help find her parents it doesn't take long to find them as the mother immediately takes the girl into her arms as for the father

Father:... Your harry Potter... Errr... Sorry I mean rimuru tempest correct you were in the daily prophet I read about your return it's nice to finally meet you

Rimuru:um yes it's nice to meet you as well

Shaking the man's hand rimuru soon leaves the girl behind with her family but the girl thanks him before he leaves but a thought does linger in his mind

Rimuru:... Mud blood huh... From the way they said it it's a insult

Rimuru walks by the book store and decides that maybe he'll get a few books Sirius did give him a few gallons walking into the library a bell rings as the clerk looks up at rimuru shocked at who just entered the man look like he's about to run at rimuru and thank him several times over for what rimuru doesn't know but he simply waves and the man waves back starstruck as rimuru gets to looking around soon making his way upstairs

Rimuru:... No no boring... Harry.... Wait what

Rimuru stops and pulls out the book that said Harry Potter

Rimuru:the legendary adventures of Harry Potter

Looking up and seeing others some even seem to be placed where he can see a cover of a young boy fighting a dragon rimuru looks back down at the book in his hand and flips through a few pages a look of sheer confusion passes his face

Rimuru:they... Can't actually believe this stuff can they... How could a kid... Do any of this. Mm

Rimuru flips onto a page that catches his interest... Reading through it it claims that as a baby at the sight of his dead parents the baby filled with rage defeated you know who

Rimuru:ok this is completely ridiculous who believes this junk how could a baby beat..... Who the hell is you know who anyway a name would be nice

Rimuru puts the book back deciding that he's had enough he goes to leave as the clerk looks at him

Clerk:are you not going to be buying anything mister tempest..

Rimuru sighs and grabs a random book seems to be about plants and takes it over to the clerk paying for it and being on his way

Rimuru:actually looking around now... That may explain why I've been getting a few weird looks when we first got here no one really noticed because I was surrounded but now that I'm alone...

Rimuru looks around seeing several wizards and witches looking at him in awe like they've just met a super hero for the first time

Rimuru:this is just weird

Rimuru train of thought is cut off as a man runs to him hand extended forcing rimuru hand up and shaking it

Man:welcome back mister Potter welcome back at long last

it's with this that several others make their way to shake his hand as rimuru looks completely confused

Rimuru:.... Ciel

Ciel:yes husband

Rimuru:... I'm not imagining this am I they really think a baby killed somebody...

Ciel:... It is not your imagination they are shaking you hands

Rimuru hand continues to be shaken as his thoughts run all over the place there are even several older witches that seem to be making passes at him luckily Sirius and the others decided to get him then getting him out of there and at a house through a fire place

Rimuru:ok ... First thank you second got a question I heard something that grabbed my attention... What's a mud blood

Sirius looks at rimuru then sighs

Sirius:it means a dirty blood it's a

Remus:it's a less then polite word for someone who is muggle born. ..

Shuna:... What is a muggle

Sirius:it's someone who was born not having any magical parents someone with out magic in the blood line is another way of explaining it.... Your mother... Lily she Was a muggle born . .. And your father was a pure blood... Neither he or I really bought into the pure blood notions

Rimuru:so then it's like being a racist. ...

Remus:in a way yes... The pure bloods... Save for few are... Not exactly accepting people.... Anyone who isn't a wizard or witch is usually beneath them... Even half bloods which is what you would have been but they have a special hate for muggleborns

A small thing comes into the room yelling about bringing people such as these into the mistress house  under his breath saying several things rimuru doesn't understand and doesn't wish to understand he is about to bump into Chloe before a glare from rimuru stops him in his tracks rimuru about to say something before Sirius interrupts


The little creature walks away Mumbling about how he lives to serve the noble house of black though you can tell he doesn't wish to listen to Sirius

Sirius:sorry about him... He never was very kind... Especially to me...

Rimuru:what .. Is he

Sirius:he's a house elf... They...well they are in a way slaves to their family...believe me I would try to free him if I could...but let's just say it's complicated..

Rimuru:slaves blood status forced into a tournament against my will this is really becoming a head ache.... Hopefully it doesn't get worse

To be continued

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