part 20:Dance

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Rimuru walks up to his room to prepare for the Yule ball days have past since the dragon trail and while some students drill ask him questions a few have started to think it may be a bad idea to irritate him or else become the pet of tempest rimuru believes this to be completed unfounded and has tried to get then to not think this but each time he does and behind to walk away he hears things like be careful of the dragon tamer

Ciel:do not let it bother you husband just focus on getting ready for tonight

Rimuru:right see you soon

Rimuru makes his way up to his groups room and enters into a side room as Diablo stands there a smile on his face and a suit in his hands

Diablo:leave everything to me rimuru sama

Rimuru:that's the plan

Rimuru stands in front of a mirror as Diablo goes over him making sure that everything is perfect

Rimuru:I thought I would have more time before the dance

Ciel:is something bothering you husband

Rimuru:no and don't read my thoughts right now just.... Focus on what your doing ok

Ciel:..... Hai

Rimuru looks at himself in the mirror

(A/n:just the suit no no mask and no Ciel behind him)

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(A/n:just the suit no no mask and no Ciel behind him)

Diablo stands behind rimuru a smile on his face as he admires his Lord

Rimuru:I wonder how it's going for Ciel


Ciel stands in front of a mirror herself as she wears as dress shuna made for her and just as Ciel had requested it's a dress version of the clothes rimuru had for his first Walpurgis Ciel looks herself over once more before nodding to herself looking to the side she sees the other girls getting reDy as well ranga sleeping on the floor Ciel goes over and pats him on the head before exiting to meet her partner in everything rimuru waits out in the Hall as Ciel steps out his eyes widen

Rimuru:I know we look alike but.... Still

Ciel:I am ready

Rimuru:er uh right yeah let's go

Rimuru raises his hands for Ciel to take as she does they walk to the great Hall for the dance arriving several jars drop as two red haired twins whisper to each other

George:Fred.... Which one was the boy again

Fred:oh I think it was the one with yellow eyes George

George:.... Are we sure

Fred:....... No

Both:their better then we are at this

A professor walks up to the duo that duo being rimuru and Ciel rimuru not really remembering her name until Ciel tells him

Ciel:McGonagall husband

Rimuru:thank you

Rimuru:is something wrong professor

McGonagall:no nothing just well you sure the two of you are not related

Rimuru:no we're not

Ciel:we're married

McGonagall looks at Ciel before closing her eyes

McGonagall:well at any rate please enter the first dance are for the champions

And with this the pair make their way inside gaining the attention of several others as the dance begins with the champions being the first to dance Ciel pushes rimuru closer to her as they dance until someone taps on rimuru's shoulder looking back rimuru sees a teenager who looks cocky

Boy:mind if I cut in

Ciel:yes we do leave now


Ciel Narrows her eyes

Ciel:leave now



The boy quickly runs away as Ciel goes back to enjoying herself with rimuru


Ciel looks at rimuru confused before she herself gives a small smile unnoticed by everyone but rimuru as they focus on nothing but each other that is until others enter the great Hall shuna, shion and Chloe all stand in dresses looking straight at rimuru it would appear that they are ready for the dance that he's been saving for them as Ciel pouts to herself but sighs

Rimuru:did you just sigh

Ciel:it's just your imagination..dont worry  .... I'll wait for you to finish

And with that Ciel goes to get some punch never really intending to drink it but why not rimuru looks back to the other girls taking in their appearance

Rimuru:well you all look great

Shuna, shion and Chloe smile at this as shuna walks forward

Shuna:I'll be first if that's alright rimuru sama


Taking shuna's raised hand the two begun to dance as one song turns into two before shion gets in and takes shuna's place once more one song turns into two as Chloe takes charge this time one song turns into four as Chloe seems to refuse to let rimuru go


Chloe:I know... But I won't be giving up and I won't lose to Ciel or any of the others

Rimuru chuckles to himself

Rimuru:talk about determination alright... One more dance for Chloe

And with that Chloe's dance with rimuru comes to a end rimuru sees a group of boys begin to surround Ciel as a look of irritation appears in rimuru's face

Moments earlier

as ciel arrives to her destinationseveral teenagers try to talk to her as she ignores them all not showing any interest as minutes pass and more try to hit on her as she remains unresponsive until one grabs her shoulder her hand immediately shoots up and grabs it and pushes it away

Ciel:request do not touch me

Teenager:what's your problem ive been asking if you want to dance for about half a hour now


Teenager:what did you say

Rimuru:well I believe she said pathetic

The teenagers look back at rimuru and leave after th the dragon their not feeling lucky enough to try that fight

Rimuru:sorry for the wait I didn't mean for you to wait this long

Ciel:no it is nothing to concern yourself with I will happily wait for you just as I said

Rimuru:hehe well then

Sticking his hand out towards Ciel

Rimuru:may I have this dance M'lady

Ciel lifts her own hand and rimuru takes it into his leading her back to the dance floor a smile on both of their faces

To be continued

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