Writer's block!

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The question everyone wants answers to!!! 



Including me, I honestly still deal with it.

there is no "Deal with writer's block." It's exactly just that... we have to deal with gravity every day. we have to deal with the intake of air every day and regrettably, we have to deal with stupid people every day.

Writer's block is the same way. you can't just "Cure yourself" of writer's block.

So the short answer is... You can't.

However, there are ways to manage it so it doesn't affect you horrifically.

One: give yourself breaks. Usually, writer's block affects people that write nonstop and don't go outside and get a breath of fresh air. (Guilty)

Two: re-read your work. Try to see if it sparks any new ideas. Another case of which your brain sparked up the idea of this story, maybe if you back to the beginning and reread through it it may spark again.

Three: Read something entirely different. Inspiration is key here, if your book is about nature, go swing on vines with Tarzan if you have to. I know I hav- ...

Four: Work on something else. Don't force yourself to have ideas. If you get an idea, roll with it. I literally use the metaphor "I'm keeping this ball rolling for as long as I can until it stops." I am being serious. For example... my most written book is not my most popular book by a long shot, however, I rapid-fired out 5 chapters a week which was VERY good for me. (I actually did it this week too!~ Be proud! ;-;)

Four is very important as if you have inspiration, go for as long as it burns. because you don't know until it fizzles out. if you don't have time to write put it down on a notepad or just put it on your part on Wattpad and just delete it afterward when you are actually making the part.

All of these are important and I know that it isn't a sure-fire way to completely cure writer's block as... I still have it ._. so it doesn't work 100% of the time.

Hope you found this helpful... Till this next one~ Vote so more may find this!

Edit: Me re-reading all of this and basically saying on One: "HAVE COMMON SENSE!" Oh well.

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