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Eventually November faded into December and so did my relationship with mum and I. Something was obviously bothering her but no matter how much I tried to get her to talk she wouldn't say a word. Needless to say she was back on the booze. Not that it mattered anymore.

"I'm heading off to work love."
She stated grabbing her keys.
"Andrea had to call in again her kid's sick...again. I keep telling her its- oh love im sorry I-"

"It's fine mum. Just because I lost mine doesn't mean other people can't have kids."
I shrugged a bit. Moving past my grief at last it didn't bother me anymore as much now that i was in new medication.
"Just go. I'll be alright here with Cy."

Linking my arm with Cy's I gave a smile.

"Alright well. I love you kiddo. Just behave. And you."
She looked at Cy who looked back her.
"Keep her in check alright."

Mum smiles as she left. Mum and Cy had kind of gotten along. I mean don't get me wrong mum still didn't care for her much but at least they talked a bit.

"Of course Miss Paula. She's in safe hands."

With a single nod she was out. And it was just the two of us, once more.

"So. Now that she's away, what shall we do today Mistress?"

Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. FUCK!
In my hands held the evidence of a terrible crime I had committed. In my hands held a glittering red Gibson Les Paul. 6 strings...well was 6.
It was old and dusty and had hardly been used. I had planned to clean it up and tune it as a surprise for when Mum got home only...during the tuning process the G string had snapped. There was no hiding the evidence. And in front of me stood Mum. Her face as red as a tomato. She was filled with rage.

"M-Mum I'm...I'm really sorry. I am! I just wanted to clean it up a bit and I- I'll buy new strings for it I swear just-"

Mum stated. Never in my life have I seen her so angry.
"Both of you. Leave."

Setting the guitar down gently on her bed I stepped out of her room.

"Mum I'm really sorry. I know 'm not supposed to touch it but-"

"What have I EXPLICITLY told you. I told you not to touch it. And what do you do. You break it!"

"I told you mum I can replace the strings I-"

"Out! Both of yew!"
I then feel her grab my ear, pulling me out of the house.
"You live in my house by my rules I expect you to fallow them. You break my rules, you touch- No no no you BREAK my guitar. You leave."

"Mum I-"

"It was only an accident Miss she doesn't mean-"

"Nobody was talking to you play thing. I suggest you learn your place. Leave now!"

"Mum. It's a guitar. Strings break. It-"
She then shoves me against the stair rails.

"Shut up Sirus! Yew KNEW how much that guitar meant to me! Ever since yew were little I TOLD yew, NOT TO TOUCH IT! EVAH!"

"Do NOT push my Mistress!"

With a balled fist she gives Cy a swift pinch in the mouth busting her lip and causing a bit of her black oil to seep out.

I push mum away from her to check on Cy. Turning to mum with an angry look.
"Are you mad? You can't just hit her! ITS A FUCKING GUITAR!"

"I'll do you the same way if you don't get out of my face."

I stood close to her balling my fist in anger.

"What? Hit me?"
I stated as i gritted my teeth.
"You'll hit your own kid over a bloody guitar."

She stayed silent as Cy placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Mistress. Let's go."

"No no no no. I wanna see what she does."

"Best listen to your play thing lass. I don't want to hurt both of you."
Mum stated. Still looking rather pissed off. Her eyes were red as was obvious she's takin something.

"So you are gonna hit me?"
I stated getting up to her face.
"You hit her now so now you're gonna hit me too huh?"


"Go on then. Hit me. HIT ME BITCH! HIT ME!"
Placing my hands on her shoulders I shove her against her door, quite aggressively.
"Yew fhink its okay to hit my girlfriend. HIT ME!"


Open handed bit still stinging she slapped me. Of course that sent me off. I shoved her once more. Almost onto the ground. That's the first time i ever physically fought her. I mean we were literally at each other's throats. Only we stooped when Mum pulled a switch blade on me.
"Oh what now. You're gonna kill me?"

I half chuckled between breathes.
"Good. Do it. Let that settle on your mind while you rot in prison. Killing the only kid you've got left. Go on do it."

I grabbed her arm placing the point to my navel.
"Make sure you twist it all the way in. Don't hold back now, kill me. Do it now!"

I hear Cy shout as she pulled me up as i was out of breath. Staggering up I spit out the blood that had flooded my mouth.
Mum stayed silent.

"You know...we could've talked. But I see now."
I stated as i looked down at her.
"You're not my mum. Just some drugged up bitch who wanted to take advantage of my life. And for what benefit? Exactly."

Letting Cy help me walk to the outside steps I look back at her.
"Don't bother contacting me. We're done here."

"Come Mistress...let's Go home."
Upon leaving the building I feel my adrenaline leave my body. Collapsing onto the ground I blacked out.

Upon waking up I see a nurse scribbling on a notepad.

"Oh good. You're awake."

Looking around the room there was nobody there but the two of us.
"Where's Cy. M-My girlfriend."

"Oh, she just had to contact your family. No need to stress love."

"What happened."

The nurse looked at me and sighed.

"Well from what your partner put you got into quite the squabble with a mate of yours. It's best if you took it easy for a bit."

I groaned laying back. I hated hospitals with a passion. I though I had enough of that for the rest of my life. Moments later I see Noodle coming in, her emerald eyes gazing at me with worry and frustration.

"Sia-Chan...What happened?"

Gorillaz and Me (Pt.5)Where stories live. Discover now