Tac Part I

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I had been training for months, learning how to kill stealthily, quickly, and without a trace. I ran through a dark hallway as I suddenly teleported behind a wall. This was my last test, to see if I was ready to go out into the field. I saw one man in a black suit walk by. I pulled out my knife and threw it from behind him. It landed deep in the back of his neck as he fell to the floor. I back flipped out and sliced the front of his neck, finishing off the job. The blood from my knives smeared on my hands. I heard a noise behind me as I swiftly dodged a punch.

I swung around and slid under his legs while kicking him between them. The man turned around as I teleported behind him and wrapped rope tightly around his neck to crush his windpipe. He fell limply to the floor. I sighed as the lights turned on,"Rika, I am impressed," said a deep voice on the intercom. "Thank you master." I said slightly annoyed as I hated to call him master. "You have excelled since your last test." He said. "We will evaluate your test, and your results will be presented to you in three days time."

I flipped my knives in my hand as I placed them in their sheaths on my belt, and concealed one in my boot and two small ones in my sleeve. I waited anxiously for 3 days for my results. There was a knock on my door and looked out the peephole to let him in. "Master? Do you have my results?" I said impatiently. "Yes, I do. I also have your first assignment," he said. "Thank you master." I said closing the door. I opened the envelope to see two slips of paper; one read Assessment and the other was named Yebba.

I read the Assessment first,"He gave me a 99.5/100!" I shouted angrily. I crumpled the paper and threw it in the waist basket and decided to read my assignment. The paper read:
Name: Yebba
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 130.5 lbs
Powers: flying, healing, and futuristic visions
Last seen: Hunting Alston Dryster
Extremely dangerous

I smiled as i crumpled the paper and threw it away. "Extremely dangerous, I like the sound of a challenge." I said as I walked out of the hallway and quickened my steps. I walked at a reasonably past pace and passed the familiar classrooms that I was taught in. I peek though a window quite stealthily just to catch a glimpse of some newbies. I see a demonstration being put on by two male students, one pinches the other on his neck and falls down. Ha! I remember those days, I thought to myself. I keep walking until I see Ana with a clipboard in her hand, she hands me a keycard and a tacking unit. "The Yebba Assigment? You are going to take, ah! Ship four." she said point in the direction of the other loading dock. "Thank you," I said bowing which was a customary thing to do to our elders. I kept walking until I found the right ship and jumped in making sure I had everything I needed.

I started up the engine as I felt my heart rate beat faster. "My first mission, all that I have trained for had finally paid off." I let out an exhilarated breath as the ship left the ground. I saw a beige folder on the dashboard and picked it up. It contained all of the information about Yebba, her fighting style, her level of training, even her favorite food. I set off and immediately scanned for her ship a quickly found it, thing is, the ship was all the way on the other side of the universe. "Wow that's far for a first mission." I said under my breath as I started for the Strallv territory, 12 light years away.

The Adventures of Tac and YebbaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang