Please Don't Go

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Authors note: if you guys could comment on what you think that would be great! Open to suggestions.
"Darling, Tac is it? You don't have much time left. You're dying." said the. alien to the confused Tac. "I.. I.. no I can't be! Where's Yebba?!?" replied Tac. The alien unlocked Tac's cell and led her to where Yebba was, as they were walking Tac saw Yebba having a conversation; with herself. "Ha I'm fine, I'm fine. So is Tac, oh Tac, Tac, Tac, Tac. I miss her. 1,2,3,4,5 ready or not here I come! Surprise! Happy birthday to me... it's not my birthday. Tac, no no no no. They did something I know it. PLEASE DONT HURT TAC. PLEASE PLEASE DONT LEAVE ME ALONE!!!" said Yebba. Tac replied," Yebba? Don't... Don't go. Stay here with me. Calm your mind okay? Don't get hurt. Please." "DONT MAKE ME GO BACK. NO NO NO NO NO! I... I.. IT WAS AWFUL," said Yebba shaking her head violently. The alien let Tac into Yebba's cell," you have one hour." Tac wrapped her arms around Yebba which seemed to steady and calm them both. They heard screams down the hallway. "It happened so quickly, I haven't slept in 2 and a half days Tac! Two Days! Because of what they did to me in there. I need you here. Please don't go." said the traumatized Yebba. Tac worried this would not be the time to tell Yebba why she was here, but she knew she had to. "Yebba... I have to tell you something important." Tac said. Yebba's eyes widened as she could tell how serious it was going to be. "I..I won't be here any longer to help you" Tac said as she gazed into Yebba's scared and confused eyes. "What, what do you mean?" Yebba asked in a quiet tone. "I am dying Yebba. Please don't cry it.. It will be ok. You have to promise me that you will keep going strong ok? For me." Tac said teary eyed as she embraced Yebba who was sobbing on her shoulder. "Shh! Yebba hold on I hear something" said Tac. There were heavy footsteps coming closer, closer, and closer the girls. He was a stranger, but he was very tall. He had dark brown hair that swept over his forehead just right. When he got close enough, you could see his perfect crystal blue eyes that sparkled under the lights. His jawline was structured where you could see every muscle. Under his fitted black suit, you could see his very toned body. You could see hints of everything, he had 8 perfect abs, not just 6, but 8. His lips were a soft pink color and looked defined. When he spoke, he had that very specific deep voice that was absolutely perfect. "Excuse me for interrupting, but I'm here to get you out, by the way I'm Jaster. " said the attractive man. The girls had been screwed over way too many times, so Yebba acted like a protective big sister. Yebba replied," just get us out of here." "Alrighty then," said Jaster surprised. He got the girls out in no time at all. He led the girls down several hallways. They came into the open, they almost went of the edge. "Jump" said Jaster. "What?! Are you crazy" replied Tac as she looked over the edge. "Just trust me" Jaster said as he scooped both girls up and leaped off the edge. They landed safely on a flying ship with just a scratch. The hatch door opened and the pilot, Markus, had introduced himself. "Hello Tac and Yebba, I'm Markus and I will be flying the ship today." said Markus. Yebba replied," I have a few questions. 1. Who are the both of you? 2. How do you know our names? 3. why are you here to rescue us and 4. Is Jaster single at the moment?" she said serious except giggled at the last question. Jaster answered," We are apart of a group called the I.R.A or the Intergalactic Rescue Association. Umm, well we have received Intel from our HQ that you are being held by a terrorist alien group called the Mechlavikz. That's our job is to rescue anyone who needs help. Yes... are you?" Yebba blushed and giggled like a little school girl. "Oh! One more thing; how old are you guys?" asked Tac honestly. "I'm going to turn 18 in about 2 months, and Markus is ancients: 42 years old" said Jaster with a wink at Yebba, which made her blush again. Tac signed I think he likes you, and it's clear you like him.
Yebba replied of course I do you dimwit, but he's super cute. Back to the point. "We both just turned 17 about 4 months ago." said Yebba reassuring Jaster, who sighed with relief. "Omg Yebba not to alarm you or anything, but you have a huge cut on your back," said Tac with a worried tone. Jaster looked at the injury and said," it's not a big deal, I'll get you fixed right up." He patted a space next to him signaling for me to go sit next to him. "Yebba this might sting just a bit, and by a bit I mean a lot," said Jaster concerned. He gave his hand to Yebba for her to squeeze, she whimpered in pain just a bit. The medicine made her immediately feel drowsy. "Tha..than... Jou fo... For the..mess," said Yebba with a slurred speech. Before Jaster could get up, Yebba had fallen fast asleep on Jaster's lap, winning an 'awe' from Tac. "Shut uu..." Yebba said drowsily. Tac let out a small giggle as she looked at Yebba's face being squished on Jaster's lap. Jaster looked at Yebba with loving eyes and ran his hand through her hair. "Tac is it, right?" said Jaster. Tac replied,"Yeah it is, but what's up?" "So... Umm.. does Yebba...You know.. Like me?" said Jaster looking down lovingly at Yebba. Tac smiled slightly," I'm not supposed to be telling you this but, yes!" "That's a relief. Why are looking at her that way?" asked Jaster confused. "You see Jaster, she my best friend in the whole galaxy and the aliens told me I was going to leave her. I'm not ready for that yet. Im dying," Tac replied tearing up. Jaster sighed, but then thought of a good idea. "So we have this equipment, and it tests someone's blood to see if they are healthy or not," said Jaster smiling. "That's.. That's amazing! Thank you so so so much!" said Tac enthusiastically. Jaster gently picked up Yebba's head and put a pillow under it. He found a blanket in a compartment and pulled it over her, then he hooked up the machine. "Ready? It's gonna feel like a small pinch. 3,2," said Jaster focusing. "Just do it already!" said Tac anxiously. Jaster stuck in the needle and let it draw blood. He put the blood sample into a test and waited for results. Jaster laughed and left Tac worried. "What?!?" asked Tac. "It's so funny though. Your fine, there is nothing wrong with you," said Jaster snickering. Tac slapped Jaster, all of a sudden the pilot took a sharp left which made Yebba fly off of the couch into a face plant on the floor. "Sorry about that, there was an asteroid," said Markus. "Ouch" said Yebba's muffled voice as she was still on the floor face down. Just as Jaster was just about to come help Yebba up, Markus dodged another asteroid as Yebba flew across the room onece again. She came flying into Jaster's arms and he caught her a few inches away from his face. "Oh umm.." Yebba said blushing as she slowly backed out of his arms. Tac looked at her with a slightly mocking look on her face. Jaster and Yebba sittin in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G Tac signed to Yebba. Yebba looked at her with a glare. Stop IT Yebba signed annoyingly to Tac. "Anyway, Tac I saw something a little unusual in your blood sample. So do you girls want to tell me something?" said Jaster while still holding Yebba. She smiled up at him,"Well, we were going to tell you, but we were just waiting for the right time to tell you." "And I guess the that time is right now, so when we were originally captured by the Mechlavikz, we drank these different colored liquid and we got... powers," explained Tac. Jaster didn't even have to ask the question of "what powers?" Tac was 10 feet away from Jaster, but flashed right next him before he could even blink. Yebba who was in his arms, was now just sitting cross-cross in mid-air. The girls smiled, and waited for his reaction. Jaster flinched a bit as Tac was suddenly next to him. "Hmm" Jaster said with a look of suspicion on his face. "How long ago did you drink these liquids" asked Jaster. "Well, maybe a week, a week and a half ago, why?" explained Yebba. "This is perfect! Hold on, I'll be just a moment," said Jaster smiling. He pulled out a phone looking device and dialed a number. "Hey, Quint! Remember those girls Sargent was talking about? Yeah we have 'em. Uh huh. Yeah, that'd be great. Okay. See you soon. Bye." said Jaster on the phone. The girls looked confused, "you'll find out soon enough." said Jaster to them. They slept the rest of the way, Jaster woke them a couple hours later. "Where are we?" asked Tac. "Well ladies, we are on the planet Bacallelm. Welcome to my home." said Jaster elbowing Yebba playfully causing a small giggle to escape out of her. Jaster lead them out and onto the loading docks and they saw a new stranger. "Hey, I'm Quint."

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