New Story

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No I'm sorry this isn't an update, but anyway I just wanted to thank everyone who has read this story till the end! It means soooo much to us. We love you all! Anyway, back to the point, catherinemily and I are in the process of writing a new story! Yay! It's called The Heir Of Avada, here's a little bit about it:

A girl named Cassie has lived in an orphanage for as long as she can remember. As soon as she turns 18, she is sent out on the streets to fend for herself. She finds comfort in going to the beach to get away from the stress of her life, but one day she finds something. A message in a bottle leading her on a great adventure, finding out that she is actually the ruler of a lost hidden kingdom.

If you guys could go and read it on her page that would be awesome!!! Also, if you loved this book, recommend it to your friends, and their friends, and whoever would enjoy this. Again thank you all so much for supporting us. Love you all!

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