A Big Surprise

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"The ring is absolutely beautiful! Why so much trouble just for me?" asked Yebba. "Yebba, you deserve it because.. well I love you," said Jaster leaning down and kissing her again. "Well let's eat I'm starving!" she said smiling. They ate dinner talking about how much they loved each other, and talked about who was going to the wedding and what decorations they are going to have. They walked back to Yebba's room holding hands,"this is the best thing that has ever happened to me." He said leaning down kissing her again. Yebba changed into a pink tank top and spandex, while Jaster changed into sweat pants and a Metallica t-shirt. Yebba cuddled up next to Jaster and the two fell fast asleep. The next morning there was a sudden knock at their door,"Yebba! Open up right now!" She opened the door to see Tac jumping up and down, "Tell me eeeverything!" "Okay, okay, give me a second to wake up. Tac rushed into the room and sat on the bed criss cross. "Okay, so when Jaster and I were visiting his mom. He told me to go get ready and wear something fancy. I was so scared for some reason. Anyway I wore this beautiful black dress. He came and put a blindfold on me and led me to a really cute and fancy little table. There were rose petals and candle everywhere! Then I knew something was up. So he was like before you say anything, can I ask you something? And I was like omg! So he came over and knelt on one knee and asked me to marry him! We kissed and ate the most delicious meal I have ever had. We came back here and we snuggled until we fell asleep. And then you came barging in." said Yebba playfully. Jaster came out of the bathroom saying," you forgot to mention that I said you were the most beautiful girl in the world." He leaned down and kissed her which won and 'awe' from Tac. "Well ill leave you two to your morning lounging, I have a breakfast date with Quint," said Tac winking at Jaster. After Tac left, Yebba had her arms wrapped around Jaster's neck,"what was that about?" "I walked in on them kissing in the gym yesterday," He said smilling at Yebba. They kissed once more and went back to lounge in bed. "You want to watch a movie honey?" said Yebba giggling. "Sure, but I just wanted to say that last night I was counting the stars, I matched up a star with 1 reason why I loved you. Everything was great, until I ran out of stars," he said as he kissed her. "How do I deserve this?" she said looking up. They decided to watch an action/romance movie and ordered Belgium waffles for breakfast.
Tac enters into the dining room and sees a huge breakfast. There are plates of eggs, bacon, pancakes, and everything in between along with some orange juice. Quint was sitting and had a space for Tac next to him. "Wow Quint this looks delicious! Did you cook all this?" Tac asked with amazement. " Haha yes I did in fact. Finally someone appreciates my cooking skills." Said Quint with a smile. They started eating and Quint stopped for a moment,"Tac, can I ask you something?" "Yeah of course, what's up?" she asked nervously. "How do you feel about Jaster and Yebba. Oh by the way I got you a little surprise," he said smiling. She replied," I'm really happy for them, but I mean it's happening all so fast. But anyway, what'd you get me?" Quint pulled out box with holes on top of the lid. "No you didn't! A puppy really? It's adorable!" she said excitedly. "So you like it?" he asked. "Of course!" she said,"I think I'll name it Rexus." "I'm glad you like it! I thought it would be a great gift for out meetiversary!" he said. "Omg I totally forgot about that!" she said. The puppy jumped out of the box and started to lick Tac's face. She put Rexus down as she was about to take her first bite. Tac suddenly felt a wave of heat go over her and she started to sway. She dropped her fork as she started to drift in and out of consciousness. Quint saw Tac's eyes glaze over as she fell off her chair. He ran over and picked her up. He sprinted as fast as he could to her room and laid her on the bed. "Tac, Tac can you hear me?" Quint said as he lightly shook her. He felt her forehead and she was burning up. He got a wet washcloth and draped it on her head as he ran to get Jaster and Yebba.
There was a frantic knocking at the door,"you guys! No time I really need you!" Yebba opened the door to see Quint crying. "What happened?!?" asked a nervous Yebba. "No time! We need to get going!" said Quint. The group ran following Quint to Tac's room. "Oh no," said Yebba. Quint opened the door to find Tac shivering and mumbling something. "Tac! Tac! What.. What happened?" said Yebba sobbing. "Well we were just eating breakfast and she just went unconscious. I carried here and went to go get you guys." explained Quint. Yebba walked over to her best friend and checked her pulse. She put her ear on her chest to listen to her heart beat and lungs. "Everything seems normal, but her heart beat is a little fast, but nothing to be really concerned about." said Yebba. She sat down in a chair next to Tac's bed, she took her hand and just squeezed it. The boys left to find something about her condition. It was about 2:00am, Yebba hadn't slept, eaten, or moved in the past 15 hours. Jaster came into the room,"Yebs, you have to eat something or sleep, I'm worried about you sweetheart." "I..I can't leave her." she said sobbing. "Come on, just for a couple hours, the two were just about to leave as Tac started moaning. Her skin started rippling and changed to a green. "omg," said the two in unison. Tac sat up as her body convulsed, her eyes became yellow and black. She was making weird animal noises. "What's happening with her?" asked a scared Yebba. Tac answered in a low voice,"Help me." "We need to do something!" yelled Yebba at Jaster. Tac laid back down sweating, but everything was back to normal; her skin came back to a normal tan color, and her eyes were brown again. Quint comes in the room to find Yebba and Jaster staring at Yebba with their eyes wide and mouths open. "Uhhh... Guys?" said Quint waving his hand in front of them. "I think I need to get some sleep, bye Quint see you later." said Yebba in a daze. Yebba drags Jaster out of Tac's room and leads him into theirs. She sits down on the bed next to him,"honey, can you go get me a cup of water? I'm not feeling so great." Jaster goes the small kitchen and gets her water, as he's walking back he drops the glass cup which causes Yebba to scream. "It's okay, I'll just clean it up."said Jaster reassuring Yebba. As he's almost done, a shard a glass cuts the palm of his hand. He winces at the pain. "I'm fine, could you get me a wet cloth?" he asked. "Of course, be right back." she replied. She wetted a wash cloth and brought it to him,"let me see it please." He turned over his hand for her, it was a deep gash in his hand. As soon as she touched it the gash started to heal. The blood dried up and the skins mended. "Uh Yebba?" he looked at her. "Yeah?" she said staring down at his hand astonished. "What.Just.Happened."he said,"I think I know what your other power is. Healing, definitely healing. C'mon lets get some sleep." "Okay," she said kissing him. The two slept for a whole of 2 hours. Yebba and Jaster got out of bed and headed down to Tac's room, once they got there they saw that Quint was sitting and shaking next to her door. "Don...don't go in there. It's... It's just don't go," said Quint in a shaky tone. Yebba went to go open the door, but Jaster pulled her back,"Please Yebba, don't go in there." "I..I have to," she said as she kissed him and went in. She found Tac sitting up in bed,"Hey Yebba, what's up?" "Not much just slept for a couple of hours. What happened? I mean I stayed with you for 15 hours and I go sleep for 2 hours and I comeback and your fine? Like what the hell?" said Yebba angrily. "What do you mean?" said Tac as she convulsed into an exact replica of Yebba. "Tac, look at yourself in a mirror," said Yebba. Tac screamed and transformed back into herself. "I don't know what happened, all I was thinking of was you staying right beside me for 15 hours and the boom! Yebba!" said Tac. "Think about something else!" said Yebba excitedly. Tac transformed into a cat for a couple of second then sent back. "Well I've got news for you, you're a shape-shifter. I have good new too! I'm a healer!" said Yebba. "That's amazing! But, what happened? I was sick for 15 hours?" asked Tac. Yebba explained the whole thing to Tac. "Well that's heart wrenching. So how's the wedding planning going?" asked Tac playfully. "It's going gree.." said Yebba as she started falling to floor. Tac yelled for help and the two guys came crashing in. She hasn't eaten or drunk anything for 18 hours! She needs carbs and sugars, someone get me a Barthlezar!"
yelled Jaster. An hour later Yebba woke up in bed,"Jas?" she called out but no answer. She got up and changed into jeans and a t-shirt. She went to check Tac's room but it was locked, she went to the gym to find no one there, and she finally looked at the loading dock to find a note on a podium.
Follow the string to the end. Love you -Jaster
There was a purple string, she followed it for at least and hour it felt like. The string stopped at double doors and another note.
Hope that was fun? Your surprise awaits. -Jaster
Yebba walked through the doors to find and Tac and many more women in party hats,"SURPRISE!" they all said in unison. "I hope you like it, small bridal shower just for you. Oh! Don't worry about the boys, I locked them in the gym." she said hugging Yebba.

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