Chapter 16 - The Library's Seal

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Cara followed the pulsing around the edge of the Library. The building was massive, far larger than it had looked at first glance. She wasn't entirely sure how it had been lost for 300 years. It crested the tops of the highest jungle trees for what seemed like miles, it's height and structure defying the laws of gravity and architecture.

The rhythm pounding in her chest got louder and more insistent, pushing Cara into a near sprint as she rounded the building. It was practically screaming at her when she finally spotted the door.

It was an enormous piece of artwork. Intricately carved and gilded with silver and gold leaf, it looked like the exact opposite to the Hell Gate. Or perhaps it was the Gate's perfect match. She couldn't quite decide.

A lock of glowing sun stone barred the way into the building. The pulsing beat in her chest thrummed one long note as Cara studied the ancient lock. Symbols had been carved into its surface. Each one shimmered a different color, making the lock shine like a rainbow in the afternoon sun.

It's beautiful. Cara thought as she slowed her approach until she stood a few feet away. As much as the rhythm drew her in, some forgotten instinct warned her away. She was suddenly caught between the uncontrollable desire to approach the lock and the terrifying certainty that something horrible would happen if she did.

"Holy Hell." Atyl breathed as she approached the building from behind where Cara now stood.

Cara could feel Rien's eyes on her as he asked, "How did you know?"

"It's singing to me." Cara whispered. For that was the only way to describe the near musical rhythm pounding into her very soul.

Confusion stained the Demon King's tone. "The Library is singing to you?"

Cara shook her head, then pointed at the door. "The lock." The sun stone thrummed in time to the pulsing in her soul. Come closer. It hummed to the tune of a long forgotten lullaby. We are born of the same power. Come, and we will bask in the sun once more. The call felt like safety from danger, warmth in the midst of a storm, a candle in the darkness. It felt like home.

Cara took a lurching step toward the lock when Rien caught her arm. "Sunshine, wait. Something is wrong."

She shook her head, reveling in the sensation of rightness that enveloped her. Come home, sister. Give us your blood and we will love you, cherish you, keep you safe. Come to rest in the sun at last. This was safe. This was happiness. This was home. Suddenly desperate to touch the metal of the lock that felt like something she hadn't experienced in over a decade, Cara jerked in Rien's grasp. She had to reach it, had to give it what it wanted. Nothing else mattered, not even her own life.

"Cara, stop!" Rien's grip tightened around her until she was folded against his chest.

"Let me go!" She screamed, bucking and twisting in his arms.

Atyl rushed to Rien's aid, adding her own strength to stop Cara from escaping. "What's wrong with her?" She shouted over Cara's shrieks of protest.

"I don't know. Hold her, I'm going to try to fix it."

Cara was shoved into Atyl's grasp, the exchange happening so quickly she didn't have time to react. She snarled at them both, trying everything in her power to go to that beautiful, singing lock. But Atyl's grip was firm and her stance was solid. Cara could do nothing as Rien untangled himself from her and strode over to the lock.

The Demon King bent to inspect the shimmering metal, reaching out one hand to brush his fingers across it. He jerked away, hissing in pain. "It's hot enough to melt iron. Something is very, very wrong."

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