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"It feels like there's oceans between you and me once again."

- Seafret (Oceans, 2016)



I couldn't believe it. It took a second for it to sink in, and when it did, my world shattered in pieces. I was in denial. I was waiting for her to laugh and tell me she was kidding. Just like I did years ago. But, as I stood there, waiting for something that may never come, it feels like I'm standing on thin ice watching as the surface beneath me slowly starts to crack little by little, and there's nothing I can do about it.

"Liz, that's not funny." MK said sternly. "There's no way you don't remember her. It's Y/N, your—"

"I don't know who she is." Lizzie gave me another judgemental look like I shouldn't be here. "Is she someone I should know?"

I stood there, feeling out of place. Not once in my life I've ever felt like this before. This one was different. It sent shivers down my body, paralyzing me in ways I didn't think possible. It's heartbreaking having to look at someone who means the world to me, but in her eyes, I'm merely just a stranger.

"Do you really not remember her?" Ashley chimed in, worriedly as panic ran through their eyes.

Lizzie exhaled frustratedly, "Can you please stop asking me the same question? I don't know who she is!" She raised her voice a bit, making me flinch.

"That's it, I'm going to get Dr. Grey for some explanation." MK muttered under her breath as she headed toward the door.

"I'll come with you." Ashley said.

Before they could leave, Lizzie stopped them from doing so, "Can one of you call Robbie? He's the only one I want by my side."

A single tear fell upon my cheek. I quickly pushed it away before I exited the room, seeing myself out. I ran as fast as I could as more tears poured out of my eyes easily like they were meant to. When it became unbearable, I stopped at a nearby corner before I slid my back against the wall. I sobbed in complete silence with my hand against my chest.

I can't seem to escape Robbie's shadow. Everywhere I go, and no matter what I do, and everything I've gone through, he's always there being the main cause of my heartbreak. Just when I thought I finally escaped the never ending loop of her past with him, I'm pulled back in once more, but this time, it's different. I remember everything she forgot, and all she could think about is him.

"Y/N..." MK called out to me carefully.

I looked up at her, my eyes completely glossed over, "I can't seem to win. I don't know what else to do. How is it fair that she remembers him but not me? Am I not worthy of her love?"

"Don't say that. Of course you are."

I stood up, and sniffled my tears back, "I find that hard to believe. I mean, look at us now. God, she can't even look at me. I'm a total stranger in her eyes."

MK pulled me into a warm embrace, comforting me with ways she could possibly think of. I appreciate the gesture, and her will to do anything to assure me that everything will work out in the end, and this is just a minor inconvenience. But, knowing how the world likes to treat me and Lizzie's relationship, this is far beyond what I can imagine.

We eventually joined Ashley in the lobby. She's still talking with Dr. Grey about Lizzie's situation. I didn't say much. I let them do all the talking because I couldn't bring myself to ask the questions I don't want answers to. It's like jumping off a cliff knowing you'll die as soon as you hit the ground.

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