Chapter Two

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"I'm sorry, who are you?" Derek asked the strange boy who was hugging him.


Stiles stepped back in shock.

"Derek what do you mean?" Scott asked cautiously.

"Why is this guy hugging me? I don't know him."

Stiles' heart sunk. He felt like his whole world shattered all over again.

"Is he the only one you don't remember?" Peter asked.

Derek looked around the room, everyone looked scared or hurt? He couldn't really tell. Everyone's emotions are mixing together. Derek nodded to answer his uncles question.

"Maybe Crowley did this on purpose." Theo whispered.

Derek knitted his eyebrows together in confusion. "What's going on? who is he?"

"How did you forget your-"

Stiles cut Liam off, "I'm no one. Just a friend of the pack."

"What are you doing?" Peter asked confused.

"Can I talk to you, privately." Stiles stated, walking to his study.

Peter rolled his eyes but did as he was told. "Want to explain to me what that was about?" He asked once he shut the door.

"He doesn't remember me, but he does everyone else. Why?" Stiles asked, trying so hard to keep it together.

"Maybe Theo is right. Maybe Crowley planned this to keep your word on that deal." Peter thought out loud. "That doesn't explain why you lied to Derek."

"I can't- I can't tell him we were together. If he rejects me I- I- don't- I can't-"

"Hey, Stiles, breathe. it's okay. Just focus your breathing. Everything will work out, it always does."

Stiles took a few deep breathes to steady himself. After a moment he said, "I'm moving back to my cousins."

"Stiles, you don't have to do that."

"I do. I can't live with him, not now."

Peter nodded in understanding, "okay. If that's what you need. But we're not giving up on Derek. He will remember you."


Peter made the pack take Derek out to eat then go on a run. He and Scott stayed back to help Stiles pack and load his jeep of his things.

"Are you sure about this?" Scott asked his friend.

Sti nodded, "yes, I just need some space right now."

Scott hesitantly nodded and went back to packing.

20 minutes later the jeep was packed.

"Thanks for helping. It would've took me forever if I did it by myself." Stiles chuckled. That god for werewolves.

"No problem." They said in union.

"we'll see you later, yeah?" Scott asked.

"Yeah, of course."


"Stiles?" Sam asked when he walked in through the front door. Stiles hasn't actually came over in months.

"I'm moving back in, I hope that's okay."

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