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I was thirty seven weeks along and working in the office with Gemma when my water broke. Happy was out in the garage so I yelled for him and he came running in.

"You're not due for three weeks," he said, kind of just staring at me.

"Well your daughter has decided she's making an early arrival," I said. "Gemma run to the house and get our bags and the car seat and stuff please. Hap, I need to get to the hospital."

Gemma jumped into motion, sending Rat to get the stuff I asked for as Happy picked me up and carried me to the car.

Happy drove as fast as he could in the cage to get to the hospital. We were immediately taken to the delivery ward and the doctors instantly started barking orders.

"Call Kozik," I said to Hap. He just shook his head.

"Gemma did. He's on his way," Hap said as he held my hand.

The doctors moved around us quickly as I held Happy's hand tightly. I was an anxious mess. Suddenly I wasn't sure I could be the mother this girl needed.

"There's a woman outside demanding to be let in here," one of the nurses said.

"Who?" Happy asked harshly.

"Gemma Morrow," the nurse responded. Happy looked down at me, a silent question of whether I wanted Gemma in here. I nodded my head and the nurse seemed to understand. Gemma ran into the room and immediately came to stand by my head.

"How ya holding up baby?" She asked.

"What if I'm not a good mom?" I asked. Happy's grip tightened.

"Little girl," he said. "You're going to be the best mom."

"He's right ya know. I've seen you with Jax and Opie's kids. You're a great mom already. No doubt about it," Gemma added.

The doctors started talking about how they thought it'd be another couple hours before I was ready to push and they offered me a bunch of pain meds and other stuff. I wasn't really sure if much other than that my daughter wanted out. She was ready to be born and I knew the doctors estimate on delivery time was wrong.

Happy realized I wasn't making any decisions about anything and relayed to the doctors that I didn't want pain medication. We'd talked about it and honestly the thought of having an epidural scared me too much.

"Hap," I said softly as the doctors left. "They're wrong. She's coming sooner than that."

"How do you know?"

"I can just tell," I said. "I can't explain it but she's ready to be out of there."

He chuckled at that and nodded.

"Mothers intuition baby," Gemma said, looking from me to Happy and back again. "I knew with both my boys."

I nodded and leaned closer to Happy.

"Is she gonna be okay?" Hap asked softly as he kissed my forehead.

"Yeah, I mean there's risks with her being 37 weeks but she is gonna be okay," I said.

He nodded and leaned down to kiss me before taking a seat next to me on the hospital bed. Gemma sat with us and we waited for a bit as my body tried to figure out what the heck it was doing.

Luckily a nurse or someone came in to check on me sooner than the doctors had said because when she did, she immediately got the doctors into the room because this little girl was coming now.

The Grease Monkey || A Happy Lowman Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now