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The last few days of the lockdown flew by. As did the time leading up to our wedding. It seemed that I fell asleep in the clubhouse dorm on the last night of the lockdown and woke up alone in my apartment bedroom on the morning of my wedding.

Lyla and Gemma were at my house insanely early to get me ready for the wedding. Happy had insisted on the tradition of not seeing the bride before the wedding, which was super obnoxious because we were technically married already.

Happy kept his mother far removed from the club lifestyle. That meant she should not be in attendance if a club wedding. So, for the sake of Maria, Happy, Kozik, and I made the trip to Bakersfield and a Justice of the Peace met us at his mother's house and married us legally in her backyard. It was absolutely perfect. Just the five of us and a JP standing in the backyard of his childhood home. His aunt had gone all out making a big dinner and we were able to celebrate as a family.

Maria was very concerned about when we were going to give her grandchildren. I smiled softly at Happy. It definitely wasn't a lack of trying that led to me not being pregnant yet. We'd started trying pretty much the day we were engaged.

We spent the afternoon and early evening with Maria and his aunt before we had to head back to Charming. Kozik rode in with us, claiming he had a great bachelor party planned for Hap.

The morning of the wedding though was complete chaos. Gemma had everything meticulously planned but things still seemed to be going wrong. I was freaking out because the caterer wasn't going to be on time when Gemma handed me a phone.

"Hello," I sighed slightly with the word as Lyla continued with my makeup.

"Relax little girl," Happy said. I smiled softly at his voice.

"I just want today to be perfect," I said.

"Yesterday was. Today's about the party."

"I know Hap, but it's our wedding day even if it won't be our anniversary."

"We'll just have to celebrate our anniversary for 2 days instead of 1," he said.

"Okay," I said.

"Relax little girl. Everything is going to be great."

"I love you Happy," I said.

"I love you too Nicole Lowman," he said.

"I like it."

"It's perfect baby," he said.

"Okay I have to finish getting ready."

"See you at the altar," he said. The line went dead and I handed the phone back to Gemma.

"Feel better?" She asked.

"Not really," I said laughing a little.

"Well too bad. We're heading out in 20 so go change," she said. Lyla followed me to the bedroom and helped me get into my dress. It was pretty short with long sleeves and the whole thing was lace. I'd opted out of the traditional dress since today really was just about the party.

"Shoes," Lyla said, handing me some heels. I slid into them and nearly fell onto my face. She caught me, laughing as she did.

"You'll adjust," she said. "You should've practiced."

"I did. I'm just not graceful," I said. "I haven't worn heels ever."

"Piney will keep you upright down the aisle," she said. I smiled softly and nodded in agreement. Piney was walking me down the aisle since I don't have a father. Kozik is Happy's best man and Lyla is my maid of honor. That was it, the whole wedding party.

The Grease Monkey || A Happy Lowman Love Storyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن