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When Happy stopped the bike, dusk was settling into the California wilderness. The small cabin felt eerily like a home in the last hints of the evening sun. The van was still parked outside, so Happy took my hand and led us inside behind Tig.

"Sack," the guys called. We couldn't hear anything in the cabin, which felt weird to me. I stayed behind Happy though as Tig led to way to where Sack should have her tied up.

"Fuck," was all Tig mumbled before Happy told me to go sit down in the living room.


He cut of my protest with a stern, angry voice. "Go sit the fuck down. You don't want to see this."

I returned to the living room and sat down on the leather sofa. I took the opportunity to look around the main space of the hunting cabin. It was pretty small, but the decorations made it feel homey. It definitely gave off hunting cabin vibes though with all the small game and the deer heads that were mounted on the walls. They made me wonder which of the Sons had killed them or if maybe they had been purchased for the reason of making this place look like a hunting cabin in the event that the police decided to look into the property.

I sat alone on the couch for an hour as Tig and Happy conversed quietly in the next room. I occasionally glanced in their direction, hoping for someone to tell me something but they wouldn't. I knew the lack of action on their parts meant something was terribly wrong.

I'd almost fallen asleep when a bunch of Harleys pulled up.

"Uh, Hap," I said loudly trying to gain his attention. "Bunch of bikes just rolled up."

He just walked out into the main room with Tig right behind him.

"We're gonna head back to the clubhouse and I'll explain."

I looked up at the sound of Happy's voice. I just nodded and stood up, allowing him to lead me out to his bike.

"Give me a sec with my pres," he said. I nodded and walked over to his bike. Juice walked up and just looked at me.

"You doing okay?" He asked.

"Long day, even longer life," I said with a shrug. "I wanna know what's going on in there but Hap says he'll tell me back at the clubhouse."

Juice nodded and pulled me into a quick hug, which was interrupted by his marching orders for the night.

"Juice, you're with them," Jax said. "Find out everything you can on her."

Juice just nodded as he went to get back on his bike and Happy walked over to his.

Within an hour we were back at the clubhouse. There was only a couple cars in the lot, Gemma and a few croweaters. The party must've been cancelled.

Happy led me inside and told Juice to grab his shit and meet us in his dorm. Happy led me back to his room and we took seats side by side on his bed, facing the small couch in the room.

Happy sat in silence for a few seconds as I watched him.

"What happened up there Hap?"

"She escaped. And killed the prospect. From what we could tell she stole his gun and shot him in the chest and bolted into the woods because she couldn't get the van to start. I'm so sorry Nick. I promised to protect you and now you've lost your friend and your biggest threat is on the loose."

I stared at Happy as I took his words in. Kip was dead. She was on the loose again. She killed Kip.

"Let's find this bitch," I said, looking between the two as Juice entered the room. Happy smirked as he wrapped his arm around me shoulders and pulled me into his side a little. My eyes were watering with the emotion of this situation but I wasn't letting her get away with killing Kip.

The Grease Monkey || A Happy Lowman Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now