Angel went to help Ayesha with the food, putting everything on the table. When they were finished, the girl leaned against the wall, drinking wine and watching the children asking Santa for presents.

-Hi. -Klay came to her side.

-Hey, baby.

-What are you thinking about?

-Nothing. -Angel laughed weakly. -I'm just wondering when it's...

-Our children?

She nodded.

-We could start thinking about it. -Suggested Klay.

-Really? -Angel smiled and her eyes sparkled.

-Yes. -Klay smiled back. -If it will make you happy.

-Dinner is served. -Ayesha shouted from across the room.

-Let's go. -Klay took Angel's hand and walked to the table.

 If there's one thing that makes Angel happy, it's these family moments. With everyone laughing, Stephen telling the most unfunny jokes that are actually funny. Jordan telling the locker room gossip and Juan adding to it.

 Those moments brought out the girl's most sincere smile, those and which were with Klay. After dinner, the children went to ask Santa for their presents, Levi ended up sleeping and Juan put him to sleep in Canon's room.

-One at a time children. -Seth said laughing.

 Santa Claus started handing out one by one, Riley had gotten a pink guitar and was now trying to play some music that was unidentifiable to anyone, which was kind of funny.

 After all the children had received gifts and were playing, Jordan asked for everyone's attention:

-Hey guys, come on. Yeah, I wanted to take advantage of everyone being here to say a few things. Everyone knows that I have never been a relationship person or anything like that, I have always run away. But after I met Milena everything changed.

-What? -Milena whispered to Angel.

-And there is no better day to do this than today. Milena, you know how in love I am with you, and how much I want to spend my whole life with you," he continued, moving closer. -So, will you marry me?

 He knelt down, leaving everyone gaping, smiling and shouting happily. No one expected this, Jordan hadn't told anyone, which made the surprise that much better.

For sure, this was the best Christmas ever.

-Juan I'm not having a bachelor party. -Klay says laughing.

-Yes you are. -Toscano says, putting his sneakers on in the changing room. -Stephen agrees, right?

-With what? -Curry arrives in the dressing room.

-Klay doesn't want to have a bachelor party. Help me convince him.

-Yes you will, Klay Thompson.

-Stephen? -I thought you were gonna be on my side.

-Not this time, buddy. -Curry laughed weakly. -Juan and I are going to prepare everything to make this night unforgettable.

-I'm afraid of what's coming.

Well, it's super acceptable for Klay to be afraid. She didn't know what it could be, no matter how much she trusted her friends.

The girls had prepared a farewell party as well, Ayesha had managed to book a bar for them, so that they could have total privacy.

Klay's night had just begun. Stephen forbade the boy to even see where they were going.

-Why am I the only one being forbidden to see if Jordan is getting married too?

-Because he is. -Jordan said laughing.

-Okay, here we are. -completed Juan.

After the boys got out of the car, Klay could see a bar with wooden and rustic decoration, with the impression that he was in some European country.

-Wait, that's the...

-Moons? -Stephen asked, laughing. -Himself.

-I don't believe it! -Klay said incredulously.

-What's so special about this bar? -Jordan asked.

-This is where we came after we won our first championship. Klay and I spent the night here.

-I didn't know you drank. -Jordan added.

-And who said we spent the night drinking? -Klay laughed after Green's statement.

 Jordan didn't understand much of Green's speech but just laughed and walked into the bar. Well, after entering Jordan understood why that bar was so fucked up, well, it wasn't just a bar. The place had colored lights right at the entrance, and Post Malone was playing loudly. But it wasn't the voice of Post himself.

 That place wasn't a bar, it was a fucking karaoke bar. Klay laughed happily, it seemed like this was the best day of his life (and technically it was).

 They didn't start singing right at the beginning, everyone preferred to eat since they were very hungry.

With everyone fed, it was time to show off their talent with microphones in hand.

Klay and Stephen went first, obviously. After a long time of choosing they decided on the song. The choice was "What Makes You Beautiful.

-Baby you light up my world. -The duo sang (very) out of tune.

Then it was Juan and Jordan's turn to sing a Kanye song in a rhythmless and talentless way as well.

But it didn't matter that they weren't the best singers in the world or even had no talent for it, the important thing was that they were happy, having the best friends in the world and living one of the most important stages in Klay's life.

same as in the pastOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz