19. Moons

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  Well, last time the "thanksgiving" had happened, well... time had passed a little. Now the wedding was one day away.

 But calm down, I will explain everything that happened in this time.

 We can start with Christmas, Vicenzo had to leave for a work issue, which made Angel very sad, so Klay tried to do everything to please her.

 As for basketball, everything was normal, Golden State was at its best. The NBA had scheduled a game for the 24th, so everyone agreed on the following:

-Everyone goes to the game, and then we come home and make supper. -Suggested Ayesha.

 Everyone agreed and so they decided, they would spend Christmas at the Curry's house.

 Ayesha was in charge of the food, because, of course, she had a cooking show and there was no one else qualified for that job. Milena and Angel were in charge of the decorations, leaving the house in the most perfect Christmas mood that everyone had ever seen.

 Sara was responsible for taking care of the presents and, trying to find someone willing to play Santa Claus to make the children happy.

 The game would start at 17, which left time for everything to be arranged in its proper place. Stephen's brother Seth was present at the game, along with his wife Callie and their two babies.

 If they could describe the game in one word it would be amazing. Golden was playing against the nets, which made everyone apprehensive, but on the contrary, the team performed very well.

 With every point by Klay, Angel would shout something like "Beautiful I love you", and when it was an assist with her best friend, Ayesha would join her and shout "Splash Brothers" Well, the game ended with a win and a twenty point difference, they couldn't be happier.

 At the Curry house, the place was already all decorated. There were lights all over the house, snowmen and reindeer, and it was snowing lightly when they arrived.

 The children came running to hug Stephen when they saw their father coming.

-Daddy, Santa's inside. -Canon said in his baby English.

-Really? -Stephen smiled, taking the little boy in his arms. -Let's go inside and see.

 Everyone entered the house. Inside, the decorations were even more beautiful. Right at the entrance there was a gigantic tree with presents underneath and colored Christmas lights.

 The children were sitting in the living room playing and talking with the bearded Santa sitting next to them.

 Levi, Juan's baby boy was smiling at the good old man who was delighted with the baby.

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