5. I thought I would never see her again

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-I, I need to talk to him.

-Who? -Kyle entered the conversation.

-With Klay Thompson.

-Wait a minute, you want to talk to the new player for what reason? -Alex speaks and laughs weakly.

-I... I know him. We, we used to date as teenagers.

-You dated Klay Thompson? -Milena raises her voice in shock.

-I did, well, he wasn't famous and he didn't play in the NBA. Oh my God, this is so confusing. -Angel puts her hands over her face.

-Look. -Kyle says. -We're near the locker room, they pass by down here. You can shout his name, maybe he'll listen.

-Kyle, there are thousands of people here, he won't hear.

-Give us a better idea then, Alex. -Kyle speaks angrily to his brother.

-Okay, stop fighting. Let's watch the game, it's about to start, and then we'll figure it out.

  And so it was, Angeline didn't understand anything about sports, and every time Klay appeared on the big screen, her heart jumped or stopped, it was a mix of bizarre emotions that even she couldn't explain.

  Klay was good, much better than Angeline remembered. His high score and long distance shots made the audience scream, Beaufort didn't understand anything so she just kept quiet, anxious for the game to end soon.

  After practically two hours, the game was over. And because of the team's victory, the Golden State fans were euphoric.

-Look, I'll get the car, otherwise we'll get stuck, you guys go ahead. Good luck. -Alex smiles and leaves.
  The three of them pass through the crowd almost falling in on themselves, but manage to make it to the part of the hall. Some of the players pass by, sweaty and shouting with happiness. Angel looks to the side and sees Klay coming towards the corridor, with a towel slung over her shoulder as she smiles. 

  The girl felt like she was going to faint right there, long before she could talk to him. Milena probably noticed the girl's nervousness, as she put her hand on her left shoulder and whispered "everything will be fine.
  The boy was getting closer, so Angel took a deep breath and called out.

-Klay! -She practically screamed, so that the boy could hear.

  Klay was tired from the game, besides being an important game, his performance was excellent, so what he wanted most was to go home and sleep, which wasn't going to happen because the boys wanted to celebrate.

  Completely sweaty and with the towel on his shoulder wet, he headed for the locker room, so he could take a shower and get introduced.

  On his way to the dressing room, Klay heard someone calling him, but in his head it was some fan wanting a picture or something, but something inside Klay said "look".

    He looked up from where the sound came from and turned pale. He had probably seen a haunting, because there was no way the love of his life could be there, and still wearing a jersey from his team? No, no, this was crazy, this was in his head.
  Klay was still paralyzed until his teammate, Kent Bazemore, pushed him inside.

-Let's celebrate, man. -He spoke euphorically, pushing the boy until the girl was out of his sight.

  Klay was so paralyzed he could barely think straight and thought he was being taken away from her.

-Hey, man...I need...I need to get...back...there. -Thompson spoke half dazed.

-Hey, Klay, where were you? -Stephen walked over to the shirt 11 and tapped him lightly on the back.

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