11. u and me under of the moonlight

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After conference is when the players have some time to rest after so many days of games.

 Klay was doing this. It had been a month since the end of the conference, and it was two weeks before his vacation was over and he would be back to training.

Angel was also on vacation, which made it easier for the two of them to hang out together. Angel knew that Klay was famous, but it only made sense when she saw his name on some pages that said "Klay Thompson's new girlfriend, find out who is the girl who stole the player's heart. 

 She, to be honest with you, thought the headline was funny. It was so shallow that just one story made her followers increase.

 Being famous or a public person was not her intention, it never was. But to love is to sacrifice, and becoming a public person was a sacrifice Angel was willing to make for someone she loved.

 She loved Klay. Angel remembers well the day they first talked about it, because, how to forget.

-I told you the view was beautiful. -Klay said with his hands on the steering wheel of the boat.

 The two of them were in the middle of the water, watching the stars shine.

-It's one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen.

-Have you ever looked in the mirror? -Klay laughed, his cheeks red.

-There's no way I'm the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. -Angel smiles and Klay looks curious.

 -Because I'm looking at you now.

 Klay was completely in love, and wanted to start shouting on that boat that the girl next to him was the love of his life.

-Come on, I want to show you something. -Klay stood up and held out his hand, Angel took it and went with the boy.

 The two of them went to the end of the boat, where it was possible to sit down. Thompson realized that the girl was cold, so he took off his sweatshirt and put it on her, hugging her.

-Tell me something I don't know about you. -Angel said jokingly.

-'Okay. -Klay thought for a moment. -I love reading about mythology.

-That's amazing. -Angel looked up with sparkling eyes. -Tell me one.

-Okay. -Klay put his arm over the girl's shoulder and pulled her closer.

 "In the old days, the Greeks believed that human beings had four arms, four legs and a head, where they had two faces. The human being was happy, we were complete.

 The gods thought that the human being, being complete, would not worship them. So they divided us, leaving our halves wandering the earth, alone.

 Forever wishing, searching, for our half. They say that when one half understands the other, there is an understanding, where no greater joy has been found than this.

same as in the pastOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora