The three boys watched as the girl pointed at something on the ground beside her. Despite the distance and the thick fog, Tom spotted a huge lump on the ground just beside her. His jaw clenched and he pushed off the window.

Avery and Malfoy followed suit. They had a dumb look on there faces which angered Riddle even further. The boy pinched the bridge of his nose and opened his mouth as if he was going to scream at them. He cut himself at the last moment and forced himself to calm down.

"You saw her. Now, run and bring Nott back."

The boys nodded hurriedly and dashed off. Tom watched their figures disappear. It was getting harder and harder for him to accept the fact that his long awaited day of being a prefect was completely ruined. He rubbed his face and sighed heavily. He just wanted to sleep.

"Tough day, huh?"

Tom nodded but stopped mid way. He nearly snapped his neck while turning back to only face a grinning Leo. He looked towards the window and then back at the girl and again the window.

"How did you-?"

Leo shrugged, "Let's just say that I'm a fast runner."

Tom parted his lips to say something but then closed them again. Leo stared at him straight in the eyes. A look of mischief shined in those brown orbs of hers. Her pink lips had a lopsided grin which accentuated her dimples. Taking all that in, by just being in her presence, Tom couldn't speak.

He could only stare at the girl who was clearly enjoying his state of confusion. Leo took a step closer to the boy who immediately stepped back. As if it was the start of game, the girl took another small step to make him back up further. She kept walking until Tom was against the glassed window.

Tom pursed his lips when Leo took another bold step, keeping only and inch of a distance between them. Her head tilted to the side to glance out of the window. Tom wanted move, he really did. But his body remained frozen. Their close proximity was supposed to make him uncomfortable. Weirdly enough, he started getting used to her warmth way too early.

"Ah, they have found their little friend!" Leo chirped.

Tom dared to turn his head to where Leo was watching Malfoy and Avery struggling to lift up Nott's body. His nose brushed against her soft hair making him flinch a bit.

"I have to say, it was quite entertaining to watch those two run around in search of the boy without a clue," Leo chuckled while shaking her head.

"Was it your doing?" Tom glanced down at her, finally finding his voice.

Leo looked up with the same mischievous smile making there noses nearly brush against eachother, "Of course, it was!"

Leo stepped away from Tom so fast that he was almost disappointed. The girl looked him up and down with a thoughtful look on her face.

"Why?" Tom asked again.

"Why not? Since when did I need a reason to do anything?"

Tom shook his head from side to side, "No, why didn't you come back? Why did you show up now? You didn't even make an effort to explain you action and hit me with an encyclopedia instead! You could have at least owled me! I didn't have to spend a month thinking that you were as good as dead!"

"You talk like we are married, Riddle," Leo rolled her eyes.

"What has happened to you? And what about the Wrights? Did you-"

Leo placed her palm on against Tom's lips, silencing him immediately, "All in good times, Riddle. For now, let me live a little, literally. I just came back from the dead."

Tom could only watch Leo announce such a dreadful thing so casually. He wanted to smack the back of her head to bring some sense back into her.

"Although, I can see that you have missed me," she said with a pout.

"What? I have not-" Tom tried to protest but Leo cut him off.

She grabbed his cheeks between her tiny palms and squished them until he looked like a fish, "Make sure you don't take points off my house for that! After all, we are friends, right?"

She winked at the dumbfounded boy and took off towards the stairs before Tom could even say anything. He bit the inside of his cheeks in frustration. Leo had changed and there was no way of denying it. Yet, she didn't feel like a stranger. She didn't make Tom feel uncomfortable or upset.

She was the same, only a bit crazier, bolder. He couldn't quite place it into words. He just wanted to go to his dorm and fall asleep, hoping that his the rapid beating of his heart would go back to normal after waking up.

A/N: There you go. Another chapter and Leo is already showing her new ✨traits✨

I absolutely love character developments and who doesn't like our dark lord being all soft and mushy because I certainly do.

I hope you lovely readers enjoyed the little chapter.♥️♥️

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