"Ayeee hes cute!" You scolded as he continued to laugh.

"Cmon you ready?" He asked as Hyunjae nodded In response.

You guys left and walked to the small cafe as Seungmin recorded with the small camera.

Once arriving, you guys looked at the menu to see what to get.

"What do you want hyun?" You asked as you walked him to the cakes.

"I want this." He pointed to a small slice of cake. "And this." He pointed to a macaron.

"What flavor?" You asked. "They have chocolate, red velvet, vanilla, marble, strawberry, carrot cake, and they have a bunch of these too."

"Strawberry!" He chose for his cake.

"For macarons which one?" You asked.

"I want this." He pointed to one that looked like a panda.

"Wanna get more so we can eat some too?" Seungmin offered as Hyunjae nodded.

Once ordering, you guys sat down. Hyunjae yawned and rested his head on seungmins chest.

"You tired?" Seungmin asked as Hyunjae nodded.

"Can this come off? It's hot." Hyunjae asked, pointing to his beanie.

You smiled and nodded, taking it off him.

"Thank you." He mumbled, resting his head again.

After a while the food was brought to you guys.

Hyunjae began to quickly eat. "I thought you said you were tired, little boy?" You asked

"I was. I woke up." He said, making you and Seungmin laugh.

The episode was released and everyone thought it was so cute that you are now a family. They also posted about how cute Hyunjae was, even though his face was never shown.


You walked around your bathroom, nervously waiting for the 3 minutes to be up.

Hyunjae who was only 4, walked into the bathroom.

"You took long... I got scared." He admitted as you smiled.

"I'm okay baby don't worry." You patted his head.

"What are you doing here?" He took a seat on the toilet.

"Well... I think you will have a little sibling but I'm not sure." You said.

"Sibling?" He tilted his head.

You nodded, "if mommy gets pregnant, then you get a little brother or little sister!"

"Oh! Like leo?" He asked. Leo is his friend who's also your guys' neighbor. They became close friends and Leo has a little brother.

"Mhm. Just like Leo." You nodded.

"Ohhh." He nodded.

After a bit, you looked at the test to see 2 lines.

You gasped and put it down.

"What..." he looked at you nervously.

"Hold on..." you looked at it again.

"Why are you cry?" He asked as he wiped your tears.

"Wanna know something?" You sat him down on your lap, after sitting down yourself.

He hummed in response and looked up at you.

Stray kids 9th memberWhere stories live. Discover now