for description skippers + some headcanons for this story

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Fluffy oneshots! My heart ceases to exist with angst, so that's why I won't do any. Also, I refuse to do smut so... Yeah. Just wholesome stuff .w.
Also also, I take requests!

Or alternatively, dreamnoblade and Ranboo family dynamic because it's really cute.

(added in late, but titles will be in all lowercase cause aesthetic but also because i said so lol)


Onto headcanons! Only for this whole line of oneshots though, I guess-

Dream is full on Enderman, but can shapeshift into a human. He's tall af in Enderman form (about 10ft, if you will).

Ranboo was adopted by Techno after being found in the snow left abandoned. Techno reminds Ranboo of his late mother, and thus started calling Techno mom. (will write a story on their meetup. Y'all can decide if you want it in here or as an entirely separate slow burn dreamnoblade or somethin' story)

Technoblade is half piglin, and thus is almost half the height of them. (Piglins go up to 8ft, Techno is only about 6ft)

And because I said so, Dream is naturally (and noticeably) taller, even without being in his Ender form compared to Techno, who is literally stuck at 6'0. Techno just wears boots to seem taller than he actually is.

First time Dream saw Techno without his boots he almost died of tea kettle wheezing and also Techno.

Dream's first meet with Ranboo consisted of a lot of confusion and chaos along with questioning from Techno about how he knew Ender. There was vague explanation afterwards.

After said first meet between Dream and Ranboo, Ranboo started calling Dream dad due to him knowing Ender.

One time Ranboo was on a walk with Techno and they saw Dream and instantly, in front of other people, yelled out "Hey mom! Look there's dad!" and proceeded to sprint towards a confused Dream, leaving his flustered 'mother' behind.

After the embarrassing moment, people questioned them and they denied being together and having a child together. Techno only confirmed that he found Ranboo and took them in as his child.

Ranboo uses he/them pronouns! (Might have Techno use 'it' pronouns. Dunno yet.)

Extra: Eret is the most genderfluid character ever, and thus will prefer she/her when wearing dresses or skirts and he/him when wearing their more "normal" attire. Goes by they/them too.

Extra Extra: Technoblade isn't related to the SBI in any way, shape, or form. Only Phil's best friend. Thus, I signed my own petition that Technoblade's last name is Beloved.

Extra Extra Extra: Dream and Technoblade are immortal gods (along with Philza being immortal) and thus don't really have a specified age.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2021 ⏰

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