
She was walking to the beach where the rest of the pack would meet her just to hang out. Lyra bumped into Paul on her way so they decided to keep walking together.


"What, Red?" He sighed.

She latched her arm through his limp one, trying to have him return the movement, "So, you know how the pack is like one big family?"


"Well, since I'm a member of the pack, I'm a part of the family. That means, when Emmett and I inevitably get married, Emmett will be your brother-in-law." Paul scowled and sent a glare at the banshee in reply. Lyra smirked, enjoying how easily she was angering Paul.

"Hey, Paul-" She began again, but was cut off by Paul wrapping one hand around her mouth and one around the back of her hand so she couldn't talk. He held her that way until they made it to the beach where the rest of the pack was. By the time they got there, Lyra was glaring at Paul, still not able to say anything.

"Paul!" Sam bellowed across the beach, "Let her go!"

"No!" He shouted back, "She's being annoying."

Lyra licked his hand but he didn't let go. He only glared at her and continued walking toward the group. The rest of the pack watched, laughing at the pair. Paul finally let go of her when they reached the group, wiping his hand on his shorts and grimacing. "I hate you." She told him.

He shrugged and picked up the soccer ball that laid in the sand. He turned to the rest of the group, asking, "So, are we going to play or what?"

So that's how they spend their afternoon. The pack split up and played soccer as if it were football, tackling and hitting each other. Lyra sat with Leah, Eris, Seth, and Embry just watching. Jacob wandered over from the game and sat down next to Lyra on a log. "I've been thinking..." He said slightly out of breath.

"Don't hurt yourself." She deadpanned.

He ignored her, "Do you know when Bella gets back?"

Bella. Lyra had somewhat forgotten about her while she was gone. Since that one call after Bella's first night on Isle Esme, she had not heard from her friend. As she thought about this, she realized that she hadn't seen Emmett since last week. She had been staying with her uncle and had only talked with Emmett over the phone. She remembered how his voice sounded tense, like he was hiding something.

"I'm not sure..." She admitted.

"Do you think they did it?" He asked, "What do you think they'll tell Charlie?"

"I don't know." She stated.

"We're going to have to go to war."

Lyra looked out over the beach. She knew that this was inevitable. She also knew that she was going to have to choose which side she was going to have to fight for. Her family or one of her best friends and her lover.

"No, we won't." Sam's voice carried to them. He stopped the game and walked closer, "The Cullens aren't a threat to the town or the tribe." Lyra looked up at Sam, letting out a breath of relief and giving him a grateful look.

Meanwhile, Jacob grimaced, "Sam, you know he's either going to change her or kill her. The treaty says..."

"I say, Jacob. I say." The Alpha's command washed over Jacob and he shuddered under its weight.

Lyra took off her shoes and stood up, walking over to the water. She stepped into the water and allowed the water to brush against her ankles. She closed her eyes and breathed in deeply, trying to calm the nervousness that filled her body. Despite Sam saying that there wasn't going to be a war, something was making Lyra anxious and she didn't know what.

Her Voice ✿ Emmett CullenWhere stories live. Discover now