Lyra spun her heel and marched back into the room, gently grabbed Bella's face and kissed her. Lyra had never been very good with words when it came to her emotions, she was better at pouring her emotions into her actions. Lyra poured everything she wished she could tell Bella into that kiss, her fingers moving into Bella's hair as the brunette's arms wrapped around her waist. Lyra poured how much she wished she could return Bella's feelings and she poured her love for Bella into the kiss, platonic as it may be.

They both pulled away from the kiss, short breaths leaving their mouths before Lyra captured Bella's lips once more, hoping to whatever deities that may or may not exist that Bella understood her feelings and that Emmett would have to when she inevitably told him about this moment. Their lips moved in sync and the kiss along with the heightened mixture of emotions slowed before Lyra pulled away from the kiss and disappeared in a blur of red, the sound of the front door closing echoing a moment later.

Bella stood there stunned for a few moments, a few fingers moving to touch her lips. She couldn't believe what had just happened, how Lyra had kissed her with so much emotion and how she understood it completely.

Bella sighed before falling back on the bed. Ever since Edward left, Lyra had been there for her and that feeling of love, of being cared for, had made Bella begin to fall for her best friend. She loved Edward with all her heart, yes, but Lyra was this overwhelming presence that she wanted to be with and hold onto. However, these feelings also caused so much pain, as Lyra was something she could never have for the banshee was still in love with a vampire.


Lyra walked up the stairs towards her bedroom after her phone call with Emmett, who had been very understanding all things considered. He had been so kind and understanding that Lyra almost wanted to cry, he had even made jokes about. She was so lucky that Emmett wasn't possessive by any means, that he was able to joke about the situation and make her feel better when she should have been doing so for him. She loved him so much.

And, she missed him.

It was sad that those two emotions went so hand-in-hand nowadays. The only thing keeping her sane at this point was the constant reminder that she would be graduating in a few months, meaning she'd get to see him again soon.

Lyra walked into her bedroom only to have her soul ripped from her body as she saw Eris sitting on her bed, "Jesus fucking Christ, I forgot that you existed!" Lyra yelped.

"Wow, hurtful." Eris quipped, causing Lyra to smirk.

"Well, to be fair, I only just met this form of you today." Eris nodded in understanding.

Lyra plopped down on the bed beside Eris, rolling over and cuddling into the Faerie. Eris, surprised but more than willing, returned the wrapped her arms around Lyra, joking, "You know, most people don't cuddle with someone they've just met."

"Shut up, I need this." Lyra snapped slightly.

"Okay." Eris agreed before asking, "Do you wanna talk about it?"

Lyra did talk about it. She spilled her soul to Eris for the next hour and a half, tears being shed not from sadness in particular but just a large mixture of emotions that overwhelmed her until she fell asleep. And, when she was to awake, she would realize that she felt much better and the space from Bella will only help. Of course, she wasn't going to avoid Bella for forever, but just for a little bit. Enough for her to piece her brain soup back together and (hopefully) for Bella's emotions for her to fade a little bit.

Meanwhile, that space that was helping Lyra so much, only caused Bella's mental state to decline once more, pushing the brunette over the edge.

A/N I really said fuck the love triangle, huh?

Also, did this one chapter make me want Bella and Lyra to be together? Maybe. Am I actually going to do that? No. However, this did inspire a future fanfic, so that will be a thing one day, but given how shit I am about updating that will definitely be awhile, especially since I have a really big project following this one that's going to take a really long time to finish. But what can you do when you have 15+ stories floating around in your head and only have limited time to write.

Additionally, it's Christmas break right now and I'm feeling particularly motivated, so I hope to all that is good and holy that I will be able to actually finish up New Moon and start Eclipse before break is over, which is a fairly realistic goal seeing as there are only 4 more chapters for New Moon. I have the entire story outlined so I can tell you this book in total should be 60 chapters plus an epilogue (unless I end up combining chapters because they ended up being shorter than expected.)

Sorry for rambling, y'all, I always write really late at night/early in the morning so my brain has kind of turned to soup and I feel extra talkative.

Anyways, I hope you all have a good day. Love you!


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