Chapter 40: The Search Begins

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Last night, Obed couldn't sleep. He was thinking about how he wasn't able to prevent the girls from being taken. Michael and Chris who slept well last night woke up and saw Obed sitting on his bed. His eyes were red and Michael and Chris noticed that Obed didn't sleep last night. Michael then went up to Obed and tree to pamper him. It's okay Obed, just look at yourself, you didn't eat last night and you didn't sleep last night, said Michael. We need to rescue the girls, said Obed. So far as we've the map, we can rescue the girls. Obed then got up from his bed and got out from his bed. Obed then went to Burns dorm and knocked. Hi Burns, it's Obed, said Obed. Yeah, come over, I'm almost done with your suit, said Burn's. Obed entered the room and saw Burns working on his suit. Obed then sat on Burns bed waiting for his suit. 30 minutes later, the suit was done. Obed, your suit is done. Obed then got up and looked at the suit. He took the suit from Burns and decided to try it on. When he tried it and put on the hood, Burns then opened the window to allow sunshine in to test the suit. A message then appeared on Obed's system, blocked from sun rays, HP is now stable. Obed thanked Burns for the suit and told him that he and his friends are ready for the adventure. Burns then went to his store room and searched for the teleporting machine. Soon enough, he found it they they begun to walk straight to Obed's dorm.
When they reached there, Michael and Chris were almost ready. They had begun packing a few items like tents, food, water, and so on. Obed also dressed up and was now ready. Burns then activated his teleporting machine and the three boys stood on it. Good luck to you three, said Burn's. Thanks said Chris. We'll be back with the girls. Then Burn's pressed a button and three boys got teleported. After a while, Chris, Obed and Michael landed at the exact place, the demonic island. I can see the castle, said Michael but it'll be a long journey. Soon the boys started moving and they spotted some footprints. These footprints are like a monster's footprints. Obed then used his inspection skills to inspect the footprint.
Name: Xanchia
Class: Venomous type.
When it spit it's venom, 30 percent of your HP reduces and you cannot move for about 3 minutes.
Obed was shocked at what his system told him and told Michael and Chris. As he told them, Chris to loss hope but Chris wanted to free the girls because they are a team. Obed then took the map from his pocket and spotted that they had to pass through the woods.
Soon, the search begun and the three boys entered the woods. They spotted some wild life creatures that they had never seen before. After an hour of walking, they decided to spent the night so that the next morning, they can continue their journey. Michael then set up the tent and the three boys entered in. They begun to eat and Michael passed Obed some piece of bread. As Obed was about to take the bread, his system spoke to him, do not take bread until I tell you to do so. Obed then told Michael that he will prefer an apple. Michael then passed Obed an apple. After they had all eaten, Michael decided to pray and after the prayer, they all slept.

My Inner Ability SystemNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ