Chapter 37: Taken Away

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Obed had received an information about a demonic bird approaching. Obed quickly informed his crew as they were walking. Guys, I've received an information that another demonic bird is on its way here. WTF, said Chris, another one. Where did u receive the information Obed, said Linda. Obed didn't know what to say because he didn't his friends to know that he has a system. Obed thought for a while and remembered he had a pet. Well, Wood communicated with me. Wow, that's impressive. But we must alert the whole school before it arrives. As soon as Michael took a step. They could here the bird's crow. To late, it's here, said his system. The whole school went out to check and they saw another demonic bird but not just one but two. We are doomed, said one students. Hey, remember the guy who killed the other demonic bird some time ago, don't you think he can do it again, said a student. Yeah but this time, the demonic bird's are two. Forget it, he's a Life Sucker. Wood came out from Obed's room and said, Sup Master. What a demonic bird, what is it doing here. I  don't know, but all we have to do is to kill this demonic bird and trace it's route to see it's master, said Obed. Obed and his crew went outside so as other students to kill the demonic birds. They divided themselves into batches in such a way that, batch 1 will take one demonic bird and batch 2 will also take the other bird. If one batch is tired, another batch will come and replace the other.
As soon as everything was set, Obed runned to the training room to take his weapon. When he came back, the fight had already started. Obed could see that the students were no match for the demonic bird so as his crew. This time, Obed didn't want to use his ability but he used his charm to make the sword more advanced.
Weapon tier: Level 3
Obed saw that his weapon had been upgraded to a level 3. Obed raced towards one of the birds and sliced of it's feet's. The bird could not move but only crawl on its belly. Soon the students went to the weakened bird and killed it. One down, one to go, said Joyce. Yeah, said Michael. This is no time to talk, said Obed. The last one is attacking the students.
Joyce and Michael kept quiet and followed Obed's instructions. When the bird saw that one if it's kind had died, it then spoke, Foolish humans, you will pay for this. Not until I kill you and see your master demon. As they were racing towards the bird, the birds used it's wings to forms spears and threw them towards the students. Lost 4 health, serious bleeding. Obed couldn't move. The spear had pierced his right leg. Wood, do something, said Obed. As soon as Obed said that, Wood raced towards the demonic bird ready to use its own power. But when Wood reached there, the demonic bird used its demonic power to force Wood to kill itself. Nooooooooooooo, said Obed. I'm sorry master, said Wood then he died. Obed felt a loss of power in his body. A message then appeared on Obed's system, a pet dead, lost 4 exp.
The demonic bird then gathered the students that were close to it including Linda, Florence and Joyce. As soon as he gathered all of them, it then spoke to Obed, so long Obed, then it flew away. Obed watched it flew away and wept bitterly.

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