"Sure, go on. But be home before dinner, yeah?" Mrs. Shim said. Engene nodded and pulled Jake outside.

"Where are we going, by the way?" Engene asked as soon as they started walking on the side walk.

"To our favorite ice cream shop"


They arrived at the shop after ten minutes of walking. They ordered both of their favorites and sat at the corner of the shop.

"How are you?" Engene asked while eating. Jake glanced at him for a few seconds before looking at his ice cream.

"Good, I guess? Or maybe not"

"Hmm, you're not sure?"

"I'm not okay, to be honest. I won't lie anymore since you're the one who's infront of me"

"You know you can always open up to me, right?"


"How about you and Sunghoon?"

"Still good, still fighting. I hope we last long tho, it's a bit impossible now" Jake said and chuckled faintly. Engene's brows furrowed.

"Don't say that. Just keep on fighting, bub. You two can do it"

"I hope so, bub. I feel like the universe is against us right now"

"Don't let the universe win, bub. Okay, let's say it's the universe against you and Sunghoon. But will you let the universe win?"

"No, but.."

"Ayy no buts! You should stay strong, and keep on holding on"

"He.. he doesn't know anything yet. I feel so bad for hiding this from him. I want to tell him already but I don't have the courage to do so"

"It's your choice, tell him once you're ready"

"I don't know when will I be ready. All I know is once I tell him this, he'll probably get hurt and I don't want that to happen" Jake said. Engene sighed and held Jake's hand.

"Bub, you can't just hide this from Sunghoon. You know one day he'll found about the truth, right? It's better if you tell him yourself before he found it out by himself because it'll hurt him more"

"Okay, I get it. I just hope that there will be no rumors about this" Jake said. Engene shrugged and let go of Jake's hand to continue eating but he was alarmed when Jake reached for his hand and held it again.

Jake continued eating quietly. His left hand is holding Engene's hand while he's using his right hand to eat.

On the other hand, Engene couldn't help but to blush because of Jake's actions. Before, he's used to Jake being clingy and touchy because they're best friends since kinder but things changed when he started to feel something special for Jake.

"How about you and your parents?" Engene asked to ease the awkwardness that he's feeling inside him.

"I can say that we're not good. I.. I became so distant to them. Well, they can't blame me. How can I act like we're okay when they're literally forcing me to do the things I don't want to?"

"It's normal if you became distant to them but make sure not to disrespect them, okay?"

"I can't promise"


"I just can't help it, bub. I'm sorry"

"Jake, you're not like this. You're respectful and kind. Don't let your emotions control you, bub"

"Okay, I'll try. But don't blame me if I disrespect them because I really can't treat them right right now. How can I treat them right when they're not treating me right? Remember what you always say? Don't do things you don't want others to do to you" Jake said. Engene just sighed, running out of words.

Engene changed the topic as they continued eating their ice cream.

They stayed there for a few more hours and decided to go home around 5:00 pm.

"Auntie! We're back!" Engene shouted when they entered the house.

"Oh, hi! Engene, don't go home yet and stay for dinner"

"Eh? But–"

"Nah-ah, no buts. Spend time with Jake first while I prepare dinner"

"Just call us if dinner's ready. Let's go upstairs, bub" Jake said. He didn't wait for Mrs. Shim's response and pulled Engene upstairs.

Engene felt how distant Jake is to his mother. He wants to talk about it but he also knew that Jake don't want to.

They spent their time in Jake's room while waiting for the dinner. Just talking about random things, catching up.

However, Engene is a bit uneasy. His heart won't behave and kept on beating fast whenever Jake is looking at him, touching him or by just hearing Jake's voice.


Bestfriends But Not Forever • EnJake • #5Where stories live. Discover now