"The thing is, you couldn't even tell me about it, you didn't come clean" Keeis expressed weakly.

He felt exhausted and he wasn't even doing anything. The whole situation had him fucked up in the head.

"Baby I'm so sorry" Ciara apologized for what felt like the billionth time.

"I-I gotta go" he shook his head and walked away

"Keeis no, baby please don't leave me" Ciara cried, following behind him.

He ignored her cries and pleads and left the house without a second glance. He got into his car, putting his keys in the ignition and turning it, making the car roar to life. He wasted no time in speeding out of the drive way and getting onto to the paved street. It wasn't until he pulled up at a red light that he broke down. He covered his mouth with his hand to conceal his sobs.

He hadn't been hurt by a female like this before, he was usually the one cheating and being foul.

He now understood what his past girlfriends meant when they told him that his karma would be bitter and cruel.

Keeis drove with no real destination in mind.

Somehow he ended up at Chris' door with tear stains on his face. He rung the doorbell and tried to regulate his breathing. He knew he looked like a punk but he really didn't give a fuck. He truly loved Ciara and Chris knew that, so Keeis knew Chris wouldn't judge him.

"Who is it?" Se'anie asked from the other side of the door.

She wasn't going to just open it, especially since it was going on two in the morning.

"Keeis" he answered , almost too quiet for her to hear.

She swung the door open and looked at her best friend who was falling apart as he stood before her.

"Oh bubba" she whispered, knowing Ciara probably told him what happened. "Come here"

She gave him a small reassuring smile while her arms were wide open. He choked out a sob and walked into her embrace.

Chris walked down the stairs to see what was taking Se'anie so long but stopped in his tracks when he saw Keeis crying on Se'anie's shoulder.

"Bro, what happened?" Chris asked, walking over to them.

"She cheated" Keeis croaked out.

Se'anie walked them over to the sofa and had them sit down while Chris sat in the love seat.

"I'll go get you some water" Se'anie whispered, getting up and walking to the kitchen.

Chris looked over at his friend who seemed to be in his own world. Keeis was staring off into space as tears ran down his face.

"How'd you find out?" Se'anie asked, giving the water bottle over to Keeis and sitting down again. She was trying to get Keeis to talk about the situation instead of bottling it in.

"She was showering and forgot to take her phone with her, he was texting her phone back to back, spamming it almost and I cluelessly  unlocked it trying to see if maybe something had happened with her family or one of you guys but it was just him telling her how much he loved her head" Keeis explained, feeling his eyes well up with tears again. He blinked them away , refusing to cry about Ciara again, she was a cheating bitch and she didn't deserve to have him.

"Damn, she didn't even have the decency to be honest with you?" Chris asked, raising his brow.

Keeis shook his head and chuckled bitterly "I can't even be mad at her, I did the same exact thing to so many good girls that wanted nothing more than to love and appreciate me, this is my karma"

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