Chapter 33 - The Curtain Rises

Start from the beginning

"There's just some personal issues," I butted in. "I don't think we should be poking our noses into her affairs. I'm fine with Horikita being the anchor. If Sudo is fine with it as well, then there shouldn't be any problems."

Horikita mumbled an inaudible 'thank you' in my direction.

"I was wondering what the matter was all of a sudden but that's how it is then..... as for me, I still want to be anchor even now but if that's the case I don't mind handing it over to you." Sudo approved of the decision.

"Great! Then I'll go ahead and swap Sudo's and Horikita's names before submitting the roster. That's alright?"

"Thank you....."

Horikita lacks the courage to approach her brother. But if it's a contest, then they'd have no choice but to be pitted against one another, and they would be forced together.

I doubt anything concrete would occur during the festival, but if it can get Horikita closer to her elder brother, even by a tiny bit, I don't mind helping her at all.


The day of the sports festival was finally here. All students marched onto the ground just as rehearsed. It could hardly be called a march though; most of the students were only just disciplined enough to make sure that they don't disrupt the structure.

Third Year Class A's Fujimaki was the one who gave the opening declaration. On the outskirts of the school grounds, stands were set up, but there were hardly any spectators. I wondered why they even set up the stands.

On either side of the ground were 2 small cottage-like tents for either team, and class. Needless to say, the preparations for the sports festival were flawless.

I noticed a camera at the finish line, pointed directly at the position of race finishes. It was probably to resolve any ambiguity in the races. This meant that even if you lost the race by a hair's breadth, you would be awarded second place without any remorse. Every competition will have a victor and a loser decided. That was also probably the reason cheerleading and such, which were hard to score, were not included in the sports festival.

I was suddenly overwhelmed by the seriousness of this Sports Festival, but I shook it out of my mind nevertheless.

Suddenly, the voice of an announcer sounded out of the stadium speakers.

"First Years, Group 1, 100m boys dash. Please take your respective positions. I repeat ~~"

So they were already starting the events? They sure didn't waste any time. I was a part of Group 3, along with Haruki Yamauchi, so most of the pressure was anyways on me.

Sudo was a part of Group 1, and he stretched himself before getting ready to run off to the starting line.

"Good luck, Sudo. You're the star of the show this time. We're all counting on you," I threw out some encouraging words to the redhead.

"Hehe, thanks! I won't let you boys down!" Saying so, he bumped his fist against mine. A true bro.

Sudo headed down to the starting line, and took his position on the 4th lane from the inside. The pistol sounded, and Sudo dashed forward annihilating and leaving all opposition behind. He had a lead of almost around 3 seconds on the second placed person, and Sudo easily grabbed first place.

"Having someone like Sudo during a Sports Festival is sure very reassuring," Hirata mused. I nodded along to his statement.


"First Years, Group 3, 100m boys dash. Please take your respective positions. I repeat ~~"

So it was my turn now. I lightly stretched out my thighs and calves, and there was localized fervent cheering and shouting on a certain part of the First Year crowd. Wait, I'm famous in the entire First Year grade?

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