The visions...

All of Alice's visions over the past few months were intertwined and involved Harry and himself to a greater and lesser degree, all the visions were warnings to the two of them, pieces of a future the seer could no longer see clearly.

All visions were sent by Cedric.

The rest of the family began to react with that information, but their interference was silenced by the spirit: it was no longer their turn to speak.

That was between him and Edward.

"Many years ago I was told that the future is uncertain. It can change every moment." Cedric looked at his palm with a sad expression "But fate is something concrete. We can try to escape and even fight against it, but we always go back to where we should be."

Edward swallowed hard, feeling his throat constrict.

"You tell me that your motivations don't concern me, but the truth is that they do concern me." Cedric continued looking into Edward's eyes "I was on your side from the beginning, Edward. Whispering in your ear that you should approach Harry, even though you're thirsty for his blood... For you to know and trust him... For you to love him completely... To protect him... To take care of him."

The bronze-haired vampire frowned even more, his eyes going glassy.

"I was there with you. I was your hunch and voice of conscience until the last minute, even after... Even after you betrayed Harry, I begged you to go to him, to apologize for the things you said."

Edward took a step back, feeling that this was too much.

"Why?" he asked weakly.

Cedric was silent.

"Why did you interfere so much?" Edward repeated, this time feeling the urgency for the answer.

The spirit stared at him hurt.

"Because you were destined to meet Harry just as I did." he said "Because you were the only one in which Harry could love. Harry would love you... And in fact he loved you the same way he loved me."

Cedric sighed sadly.

"Because I loved him all my life until the day I died... And I still do." he muttered "The same way you do, because he is the one in which you always waited for, the one in which was destined to be your mate for eternity."

Edward held his breath as he saw Cedric next to him.

"We are destined to love Harry." Cedric whispered "And Harry is destined to love us. We were made for each other since Creation, made to meet and be together. He is our soulmate..."

Edward saw Cedric extend his palm to him.

"And we are his." he said at last.

Edward kept his head down.

"Now more than ever you feel lost and restless and I know the reason: you want answers, but I cannot give answers. I can give you the truth." Cedric said "You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. Hold my hand, Edward, and I'll show you the truth in which it was stolen from you. Let me show you what you need to see and understand!!!"

Edward held himself still, arms at his sides like two dead weights.

"I... I..."

"All the pieces will fall into place. Everything is connected!!!" Alice whispered to herself the same words she'd said minutes before, her eyes turbulent and glazed over at nothing.

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