The One Where They Sleep Together

Start from the beginning

Tying his own pants, Bucky asked, "Do you want to continue the movie?"

On unsteady feet, Steve stood from the futon. Holding onto Bucky's bunk, Steve asked, "You sure you want me to stay?"

"Of course," Bucky assured, wanting nothing more than that. Then, worried that Steve wouldn't want to, and he amended, "Unless you don't want to."

Thinking it over, Steve decided, "I think it would be best if I stayed."

"Great," Bucky smiled, and then hoped he didn't sound too eager. After all, he didn't want to seem like a creep. At least not a bigger creep.

Noticing the difficulty that Steve was having in changing out of his skinny jeans, he asked, "Do you need some help." And then instantly regretted it because that was exactly something that would happen in a porno.

Steve declined and Bucky held his hands up in surrender, not wanting to make his friend feel even more uncomfortable than he probably already was. Instead, he sat back down on the futon. Occasionally, he would glance over at Steve who was wobbly on his thin legs and holding onto the bed to steady himself.

Losing his balance as he tried to pull on the flannel pajama pants, Steve swerved to the side and Bucky caught him before he could fall. Hands on his hips, Bucky looked up at him and thickly swallowed down his own lust, "Easy there, Stevie."

With his hands on Steve's hips, Bucky wanted nothing more than to pull him closer so he could mark up the sliver of alabaster skin that was peeking out between the waistband of his boxer briefs and his sweater. His heart was thumping, trying to forge a breakout to be nearer to Steve.

Steadying Steve, Bucky helped him by grabbing the waistband of the pajama pants and pulled them the rest of the way up. Thickly swallowing, Bucky told him, "There. All done."

"Thanks," Steve sighed before taking a seat beside him.

There was plenty of room on the futon with it just being the two of them, but they remained sitting close. Bucky swore the air was vibrating with the energy between them. And Bucky desperately wished to touch Steve.

With their arms resting beside one another's, Bucky decided to grow some balls and make a move. If Steve turned him down, he'd take it gracefully and accept only being friends. But if he never tried, then he'd never know.

Heart racing, Bucky stretched his pinky finger out. The first brush of the pad of his finger against Steve's, Bucky felt a spark shoot through him. Still wanting to be closer, Bucky overlapped Steve's smallest finger with his own.

Watching Steve's face for any sign that he didn't want this, Bucky covered his artistic, slender hand with his own. Steve glanced over at him then and Bucky held his breath. Steve's own breath hitched when their eyes locked before the blond dropped his gaze altogether.

Quietly, Bucky asked, "Is this okay?"

It felt like forever before Steve nodded, "Yeah. I hold hands with all my friends."

Chuckling in relief, Bucky removed his hand from atop of Steve's. Feeling so light that he could float away. Tethering himself to the earth, the futon, and more importantly to the blond beside him, Bucky laced their fingers together. Giddy at these turns of events, Bucky beamed, "Then, we better do it properly."


Once the movie that Bucky hadn't been paying attention to was over, Bucky realized that he didn't want to be away from Steve. Not even as they slept. So, Bucky innocently suggested, "Wanna sleep together?"

Momentarily, Steve was slack-jawed. When his mouth snapped closed, Steve stared up at him with wide eyes. Bucky realized how his words definitely meant more than just sharing the same bed, and he quickly amended, "Or I could just sleep down here on the futon." Then, so he wouldn't scare Steve away by being too forward, he added, "I just always get freaked out after horror movies."

Caught: Falling Series 4 (Modern Stucky College and Domestic AU)Where stories live. Discover now