23 | Luckiest

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"Are you finally going to tell me more about that lovely girlfriend of yours? Do you know how irritated I am that Shawn knows more than me?" My mom places her phone at the kitchen counter while I follow her instructions

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"Are you finally going to tell me more about that lovely girlfriend of yours? Do you know how irritated I am that Shawn knows more than me?" My mom places her phone at the kitchen counter while I follow her instructions. We have a call once a month where we cook together. "I am your mother, Brandon, I am supposed to know more."

"There is nothing new to tell, mom." She can sense the lie without even looking at me. "Don't give me that bullshit, son. You might think because I am not looking at you that I don't know when you are lying."

"I know you better than you like to believe." She picks up the butter and shows me how much I need to bake a cake. I haven't told her that Kennedy bakes everything now because she loves these calls. I know that she is always excited to bake together so I don't have the heart to tell her that I no longer need her assistance.

I am not ashamed to admit that I love my mother endlessly. She is the first person I would call when something is not going well in my life. She supports my decision, even the stupid ones, with her whole heart because she knows they make me happy. She was the one who was glad that I decided to teach at the dancing school.

I haven't been around a lot and I feel bad about it but I am trying. It isn't easy to balance everything that I love at the moment. I have a hard time finding some time for myself to just take a breath. It has been busy all the time and it is taking a toll on me.

The only times that I do find some silence in my head is when Leslie lets me sleep on her chest. It is amazing to fall asleep with my head between her boobs but also I just find some peace around her. It feels that whenever she wraps her arms around me that I am home. That I am at a safe place where I can be myself.

She doesn't care that I study late at night. She tries to stay awake with me most of the time. It distracts me more than I tell her but I love her for doing it. She knows that I take my law study seriously and she wants to support me through it all. She even helped me study the other night by quizzing me.

It mostly ended with me taking off her clothes with every answer that I had correct. I could get used to studying with her in that way. It for sure made me want to study harder because every correct answer was a reward from her.

"That girl really drives you insane, doesn't she?" My mother's voice brings me back to reality. I guess that I stared at my mother without any emotion for the past ten minutes. "I am really glad that you finally found someone that makes you this happy, son. I am really happy."

"I am really happy too, mom." She wipes a few tears away while I blow another kiss at her. "I really want to meet her. When do you think she will be able to come over?"

Before I could answer her, I heard the front door opening. Leslie runs to me with a paper in her hands. "I fucking got the internship, baby. I fucking did it." She jumps into my arms and I catch her with no problem. She wraps her legs around me while I hug her tighter.

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