8 | My muse

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The sound of blades skating on the ice fills the ice rink

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The sound of blades skating on the ice fills the ice rink. Everybody is holding their breath while we skate towards the other side of the ice. The other team is giving us a hard time on the ice. Constantly making us rethink our next steps because they know our weaknesses.

It isn't in our favor that we are tired because of how long this game has been. The team makes it hard for us, and we can't really blame them for that. We played well last year but some of the good guys have left. We have a new team where we still have to help some of the new guys.

The other team knows that and they use it against us. Jeremy is skating faster, he is a natural on the ice when the defender gets closer to him. He is still not used to having people target him all the time that have been playing for longer than him. He isn't quite sure about himself yet.

"Jeremy's first year on the ice could be his last one." The speaker gets louder and it probably doesn't help Jeremy. I am going to talk to him after the game because I know how overwhelming it can get. I know that he feels a lot of pressure on his shoulder now. It is not something that you get trained for.

I know that Coach will have a talk with him later. He will give him some reassuring words but that isn't enough. You need more than that because it gets sometimes too much on the ice. I want to make sure that all the guys are feeling good on the ice. That is why I am responsible for the new guys on the team.

"New Perk University wins their first game of the season. But that doesn't change the fact that today's game wasn't amazing. The team has a lot of work to do." Jeremy's helmet falls on the ice while his shoulders go down. "Don't listen to that man. He likes to give us a hard time when we win against his favorite teams."

"He is right about me. I haven't been practicing enough for the games." Coach nods his head at me, letting me know that I should take it over, from the other side of the hallway. "I know that it can get overwhelming on the ice. Especially when those speakers are directing you. But I need you to know, Jeremy, that you are a good player."

Wrapping my arm around his shoulder, I nudge him closer to me. "You can mop all you want but you can't change a thing anymore. That is why tomorrow morning, we are going to spend the whole time watching plays, at seven am."

"You do know that you don't have to be there right?" He smiles brightly at me when we enter the locker room. All of the guys are staring at him and waiting for a signal. "I know that but I want to be. I could use the practice too."

"Thank you, Brandon."

"Anytime, man."

The guys are cheering for him. I know that Carson is being a nice person and a good captain. He probably demanded from the guys to cheer for Jeremy. He knows how hard it can be on the team when all the pressure is on your shoulders. Carson Logan might be the best captain we have ever had. It is going to be a shame when one day I won't be playing with him anymore.

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