The Kings Gaurd

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There had been some disadvantages to your marriage. For one, Sibrian Splittongue was utterly furious with the King for marrying you so soon after his apparent change from being a (as Sibrian put it) abusive tyrant.

He did not believe that the King had changed, and made it abundantly obvious that your new power allowed you equal standing with him.

Thus, you would be able to divorce him and keep the title of ruler.

You had to explain to Sibrian that you did not want to divorce the King, and he made no secret of his bitterness.

You also had to suddenly stop seeing your bedpartners after your engagement, many of whom were marks that held desired information.

There were ways around it of course, though none of them were as easy as your original methods.

Those that were not targets for information extraction knew of your identity as spymaster, and upon learning about your marriage, they had been quick to make sly comments about how strange it was that many of them happen to be tall and fit, with black hair and green eyes, reminiscent of someone they knew of.

You were equally quick to remind them that they all owed you money from your card games, and none of them had yet to pay you.

Most of the time, you spent your days as you always had, watching over the King, just a little closer than you used to be.

Whenever you returned from one such mission, you always found the king waiting for you, almost constant in his presence whenever you remained in the castle.

It was annoying (but also secretly endearing).

On one such occasion, you found yourself bruised, bloody, and positively grinning as you dragged yourself back through the balcony (something you had firmly told the king you would not be stopping anytime soon). You had some hard fights in your past, but there was no one with the exception of the King who could really test your metal at the palace.

This mission had brought you face-to-face with a hired hand, an Orc who had pushed you to your limits.

It was phenomenal.

Almost phenomenal enough for you to spare his life.


You rode the high of that kill all the way back to your room, to the soft bed and waiting arms of your King.

"Your Majesty!"

You looked to the young stablegirl rushing in your direction, frown tugging down at your lips.

"Relias, it is past the moon's peak, why are you still awake?"

You knew most of the employees on the palace grounds (not that many of them knew you in return), but Relias was one of your favorites.

She was exceptionally hard working, and there were certain people that seemed to be born with perpetual cheer.

You had witnessed it yourself when you first saw her taking on a boy twice her size during a wrestling bout between the servants.

She had lost, but it was a close thing, and her congratulations to the winner with a smile on her face and without a bruise to her pride earned your approval.

She was also the only one who managed to earn the affection of your stoic beast of a horse.

The enormous beast simply did not like anyone except for you and the cheerful little girl that insisted on braiding pretty beads into his hair.

"I noticed Pevial was not in his stall, so I waited for you to come back, your majesty!"

You grimaced.

Monster x Reader: Loyal to the King, Never to the KingdomWhere stories live. Discover now