Radha went ahead and hugged her while caressing her back. Nisha cries louder.

Nisha: Mumma expired when I was 15 and now paapa..

Radha: Enough my child.. Enough.. Don't cry beta please.

Nisha vent out her cries hugging Radha for sometime. After sometime she pulls out of the hug and wipes her tears.

Nisha: I am sorry. I got every emotional. Please come, I'll take you to him.

Radha nods and gestures Sidharth to follow as she herself followed Nisha. They enter the room where a man in his early 60s lied on the bed. Nisha along with a nurse supported him to sit leaning to the headboard behind. He looked at Sidharth and Radha with heartfelt content.

Radha: This is Sidharth, my son and she is Shehnaaz / Sana, my daughter in law and Sidharth's wife.

Sidharth doesn't respond to the introduction while Sana covers her head with shawl and folds her hands as a sign of respect. She then hits Sidharth with her elbow. He hesitantly folds his hands with a straight face.

Nisha gestures nurse to give them privacy. The nurse leaves.

Amar: (teary eyes and folds his hands) I am sorry Radha and I am extremely sorry Sidharth. (Tears rolls down his eyes)

Radha nods no while she bursts out crying as she sat near him on the bed.

Amar: Please don't cry. I know I made a mistake and I repented it everyday throughout my life. 30 years back, I married you against my parent's wish. When I lost my job after 3 years of marriage, I took it over my ego. I didn't wanted to survive on my wife's earning who I promised to take care for the whole life. Those irritation and regular fights made me run away from you.

I went back to my father irritated. He supported me and I setup a business as well. After a year and a half, when I felt I was capable enough to take you back, I saw you with another man and a baby. I was heart broken and that's when my father asked me to remarry his best friend's daughter. I obliged. Years later, I saw the same man with another lady. When I confronted him, he said that he was your cousin and the baby you had was my son. I felt mortified but there was no way to return since I was already married.

The guilt killed me everyday. I wish we had talked our differences instead of fighting and me running away. Our lives would have been much better without any regrets.

If I wasn't diagnose with this disease, I would have continued the guilt trip without talking to you. The disease when rendered me bed ridden, I had enough time to ponder on my mistakes. I know, I can't correct my mistakes now but I thought I should apologize atleast before I die. I am sorry Radha. I didn't keep my promise that I made to you on our wedding day. The promise to love you for life and keep you happy forever.

He folded his hands infront of her and she held them in hers, crying. As he told their life's story, Sana realised that she had been doing the same mistake. She was running away from her husband by fighting rather than sitting and sorting out the differences between them.

Nisha and Sidharth along Sana walked out of the room allowing their parents to cry.

Nisha: Aaa.. aa.. bhaiyya, please cone I will show you your room to rest.

Sidharth could feel the emotions behind Nisha calling him bhaiyya. He was emotional. As she showed them the room and turned to leave. Sidharth slowly stroked his hand over her head. Nisha smiled with moist eye and he hugged her. Nisha was finding her father figure in her brother as she was about to lose her father anytime.

When finally Nisha left, Sana hugged Sidharth tightly and he reciprocated it.

Sana: I am sorry Sidharth. I promise, I will never run away from you in my life. We will sit together and discuss. I love you and I can't let our life become like that your parents. I don't want to repent until I am on my death bed. Instead I want to spend my life with you.

Sidharth: I am sorry Sana. Even I realized that I am so wrong. Though my intentions looks right while I lie, it's just postponing the pain to future rather than eradicating it. The pain which would blow up and become bigger in future. I won't lie, cook up stories and manipulate in future. Forgive me for hurting you Sana.

Sana: I love you Sidharth.

Sidharth: I love you too sweetheart.

Sana: Sidharth, I know you are angry with your father, but he has already suffered a lot in life. I think you should forgive him now.

Sidharth nods yes.


To be continued.. ❤️❤️

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