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Hell's Devils Party Part Two


It's been a while since Shay went to the bar but I wasn't worried because everyone here was family and looked out for each other.

"So the shipment to Atlantic City went well boys?"

"No Issues Red. The shipments were delivered on time to the Black Crows MC". Tanks grunts.

"Sorry boys I couldn't be there I had more important things". I say smiling thinking about baby girl.

"No worries brother. everything worked out well".

"Happy looks good on you JC please don't turn girly now". We all laughed at his little joke.

"Fuck you too Tank".

We all laughed and drank our beers having a good time until Harper comes running up to us with Beast on her heels. She looked nervous and out of sorts, her eyes kept searching the crowds like she was looking for something or someone. What was up with Harper? I thought.

"Hey have you guys seen Shay?" Harper was looking around frantically and I was getting worried.

"What is going on Harper? Why are you looking for Shay?" I grabbed her and she looked terrified of me in that moment.

"Son calm down. Let Harper go". I let Harper go. Everyone is now worried.

"Speak Harper. Why are You looking for Shay?".

"Now Harper".

The dread I feel inside is unbearable, Why does Harper look so scared?

"Baby what is going on?" Beast touches her softly trying to get her to talk.

"Shay is in danger we need to find her now." Harper cries.

"What the fuck do you mean Harper? that my princess is in danger". Red roars having Harper crying even more.

"I am so sorry. you all need to know I had no part in setting up Shay I swear. I was trying to stop this". She turns and cries in Beast's chest.

"What did Destiny do Harper?" I have seen ma mad before but not like this. Ma loved really loved Shay and would lay her life on the line for baby girl.

Harper is silent as she cries. Whatever Destiny has done has cause Harper great distress.

"Baby." Beast says softly kissing her hair."

"Destiny set Shay up to get hurt. that is all I know ok". she is full on bawling now as Beast tries to calm her down.

As soon as I hear Shay could be in trouble Red and I spring into action to find Shay. I do remember her saying she was going to the bar.

"JC, RED!!!" ma calls after us but we needed to hurry.

"Tank, Gunner follow them." Ma orders.

I reach the bar ahead of Red and I see two guys holding Shay and she looked a bit out of it like she has been drugged. I see Red and hurry as fast as I can.



I had no Idea what was happening around me all I know was I wanted to close my eyes and sleep.

"We are going to have some fun with you tonight princess".

My head felt fuzzy. I was to drowsy and dizzy to comprehend what this guy was saying. I begged and prayed that JC or daddy would find me in time before god knows what, happens to me.

Hell's Devils MC Queen Where stories live. Discover now