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"What the fu-," before she could finish a cloth was brought into her mouth. Luna tried fighting but it was useles soon her vision fogged and soon everything turned dark.

Her last thoughts were.


Luna shook her head slowly gaining consciousness. Eyes started to open but her vision was still blurry, head was spinning like she had just been hit by a truck.

"Where.. where am I?" She mumbled. A bright light peeked in her vision guessing she was in a dark room and outside was bright.

"How nice, she's awake," A voice cooed her. A hand raised her chin up getting a good look at her bruised face.

"L-let me go," she said in a small breath as she can smell something rotting inside, like an animal, a dead one, it smelled dead.

"Aw, princess is sick? Don't worry . . . we'll take care of you," the familiar voice said. She soon got tensed, her consciousness was now fully awake. She peeked at the figure talking to her.

Nathan Andrews.
She saw another figure behind him, it was a she. The girl he cheated with, Christine was it?
Anger shot in her veins at the thought that she just got drugged and kidnapped by these two.

"You'll regret this," she whispered in his ear making Nathan laugh.

"Aw, was I supposed to be scared?" He pretended. Christine laughed behind him.

He turned around talking to Christine.

Luna managed to be aware of her surroundings, her feet and hands were tied up in a chair, she was in a living room with a glowing lamp a few feet away from her. Some handcuffs were on top of a coffee table, piles of clothes were scattered on the floor along with a couple of used cigarettes. A few glass shards were also scattered in front of a broken window, a box television was a few feet in front of her and there were two possible exits. The window was open, the door was closed. She didn't even try to be helpless cause a matter of fact; she was.

Nathan's voice interrupted her train of thoughts.

"I told you, I gave you a chance to say yes to my offer," he walked back and forth holding a baseball bat resting in his shoulder.
Luna took out a pin from her back pocket that she always brought in case she gets into a situation like this. She fiddled with her handcuffs and soon broke out of it, still holding it, waiting for the right time to attack and escape. Her eyes focused on the two figures in front of her.  It was dark, the only light source was the lamp beside her and the broken window opening up to a dark alley.

"So tell me.. do you want to come back to me, or do you want to die?" He chuckled. Walking away slowly towards the door he was gonna unlock. He rattled the knob and furrowed.
"It's stuck?" He grunted trying to open the door, Christine rolled her eyes and helped him. While the two were pretty much distracted, and also probably new to kidnapping, they should first know that Luna wasn't close to being a kid.

Luna was aware the two figures were having a bit of a problem. She was now gonna take action and do her plan, which she was surely confident about.

"Move your hands away from the knob, you jerk,"

Luna dropped the handcuffs not leaving her eyes on the pair.

"Excuse me?"

She crouched and slowly unlocked the cuffs at her feet.

"Get off,"

She stood up and got a shard of glass and the baseball bat Nathan was holding earlier but he dropped it in frustration while he tried budging the door open.

"Shut up and let me help you,"

Luna swung the bat on the two morons in front of her and they fell harshly on top of each other. Groaning ; Nathan tried getting up but a shard of glass was stabbed in his leg suddenly triggering Christine.

She was about to attack Nathan but Luna thought Christine was attacking her so she swung the bat again but the other girl dodged it and moved behind her at the speed of light. Luna grabbed another shard not caring that it was digging into her own flesh, triggering Christine again. She was about to attack but Christine moved behind her again, having an arm down Luna's throat. Luna coughed and unconsciously dropped the shard as she tried prying herself out but she was already feeling vulnerable all she could do was cry out for help in her thoughts.

Someone. Help.

She closed her eyes and let her nails dig into Christine's arm until it was leaving a few marks and specks of blood coming out.

A sudden burst startled the two, the door swung open revealing Tanner and Ridge while Nathan was dragged behind the door at the strength of two vampires, and one was much stronger.

Christine focused on killing Luna first as she continued blocking her airway but that few moments of the two barging in was enough time for Luna to regain her strength. She gripped Christine's arm and flipped her over gaining control of the situation. Now Christine was the one choking and begging for air.

The two men watching the scene finally moved from their place and stopped Luna from killing Christine.
"We got to go now," Ridge warned and soon Luna let go and let the two drag her to the exit leaving Christine gasping on air.

The two led Luna outside with a red car waiting.
"Thanks," she said as Tanner handed her some water. She was less bruised which was good.

"That was sick," Ridge gawked. Tanner stared at him furrowing an eyebrow. "I mean . . . are you okay?" He switched to his worried face.

"I think so," she panted, catching her breath.

"We'll drop you home then, here's some pain killers," Ridge said and handed her a box.

"How did you find me?" She asked leaning at the back seat as Tanner continued driving. Ridge shook his phone and simply said. "GPS,"

"Do you know who they are?" Tanner asked while he continued focusing on the road.

"My . . . ex-boyfriend and the girl she cheated with," she took another gulp of her water.
"Her?" Ridge showed her a picture of Christine.
"Yeah, that's her . . . why?"

"She's one of us . . . an enemy, she's been missing after her Coven left and abandoned her and I think she's looking for revenge," he explained.
"A group of vampires,"
She nodded and closed her eyes, exhausted.

"Why was she . . . after me?" Luna asked again, a little afraid.

"I don't know," he shrugged not getting why a vampire was after Luna.


They soon arrived at Luna's apartment.
"Thanks," she said and got out of the vehicle.

It has hardly been a week and her body was getting more and more bruised. She ate her dinner and fell in bed, almost past out. She held her phone in front of her looking for any unusual posts on Nathan's Instagram account.

Why was he with a vampire?
She thought as she scrolled. A picture caught her attention, a picture with Christine. She looked like a normal human being, Luna just noticed that she was wearing layers of clothes and she had a hood. It was probably because the picture was taken at a very open place, and the picture looked old, like a few months back. She regretted not checking out her (ex) boyfriend's account before, and also not downloading the app. She sighed and dropped her phone to her mattress and soon fell asleep.

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